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Anybody tried a "Tile Sticker" to aid in recovery?

If you follow @macfawlty suggestions 1-5, add a prop inspection, and a wind assessment your chances of never having to retrieve your drone are extremely high.
Keep in mind that only 5 grams is 5 grams too much. Adding 1 gram to the Mini will require that you register it. Now, will you get caught if you don't? Most likely not. But if you do, the fines are stiff and if you are a 107, you could, jeopardize your certification.

I'm currently not using location finding on my Mini, but I would like to find a reasonable solution. On my FPV drone, I'm using an extremely loud beeper that is trigger in a crash and/or by my transmitter. It has a built-in battery for long duration and puts out a 105 dB tone.

I do fly with my beacon LED, even in the day. That way if the Mini goes down, it might help in locating it.
How much does your beacon LED weigh?
I’ll stick with my Marco Polo.
I have a Loc8tor, range is up to a 150m or so, bit it is really good when you are close, the receiver is very directional and you can get within a foot of the device, easily enough to see a drone in a wood or field.

The last known position should get you close enough.

I've yet to lose my MM drone (knock on wood) but my environment is heavily wooded and I'm apprehensive about losing it in a tree and not being able to see it.
I'm already in the Tile system and it's helped me.
Has anyone tried a Tile Sticker link on their MM? It's only 5 grams.
/edit - or about the weight of a drone skin
As of 0430 CDT 10/16/20
Responses - 15, no one has tried it,
The best recovery system I've found is the Marco Polo because it doesn't rely on bluetooth, wifi, cell, or internet. No matter where you are in the world it will work around 2 miles. It's less than an ounce on your drone (I attach it with velcro) and then a hand held tracker
I use the Communications Specialists 222MHz beacon system. The beacon unit weighs 12g. Requires a ham license.
While the Tile Tracker is an impressive technology, it's not what I would use to locate a drone. If I did the kind of flying where having a tracker would make sense, I would go with the Marco Polo.
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I've yet to lose my MM drone (knock on wood) but my environment is heavily wooded and I'm apprehensive about losing it in a tree and not being able to see it.
I'm already in the Tile system and it's helped me.
Has anyone tried a Tile Sticker link on their MM? It's only 5 grams.
/edit - or about the weight of a drone skin
As of 0430 CDT 10/16/20
Responses - 15, no one has tried it,

I have one on my Inspire 1 (in case I crash it) and my Mavic Pro case (in case it's stolen). I haven't used them yet to recover either drone.

In a crash event, I would use my iPad app to get me in the ballpark of my Inspire 1. I would then use the Tile to hone in on the exactly location.

In a theft event, naturally the Mavic's Tile would have to be in range of somebody in the Tile network.

To date, I haven't had to use them yet <knock on wood>. I've had a Tile on the Inspire for a couple years, as I was part of their crowdfunding campaign.

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