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Are the Mavic Pro and the Epson BT300 compatable


Jul 2, 2017
Yep...a newbe here.
I bought the Mavic Pro and the BT300 goggles together a week ago. Incredible!

I feel like an eagle soaring above my house. However, once I got off beginner mode and started to venture out I found I had a Max Radius of 165' even with beginner and distance switched off. I have a friend with a Mavic just a few houses away and he verified I had all my settings right. He suggested I try my android phone instead of my goggles and surprisingly I could fly out past that Max Radius. What?

Yes, it flies past the Max Radius with the cellphone and not the BT300. So next I tried disconnecting the phone while the Mavic hovered in front of me and plugging in the BT300 goggles and now I can fly out past the Max Radius with the BT300 goggles. I tried shutting down everything and restarting with the goggles...same problem.

Any suggestions from the Pros? I am stumped.
You have to be connected to a device which is logged in to your DJI account for the distance/height restrictions to be lifted. This has been the case since the latest app and firmware updates. As you've discovered, once everything is connected up and you've started your flight, you can disconnect from the app and carry on with no restrictions....(but only for that flight).
Wow. Thanks guys for the quick reply.

Crap...! If I understand you correctly I have to have cell service to be logged into DJI account and once in my account I have the distance restriction turned off.

That is really BAD news. I do search and rescue and much of the time I do not have cell coverage so I am limited to flying in circles around my SAR truck...that is about as useful as a f_rt in a spacesuit.

Hopefully DJI gets this worked out. I will try contacting DJI support.

I knew someone out there would have the answer...just wasn't the answer I wanted to hear.

Thanks again for your help. I appreciate it very much.

On a side note: Here is what sold me on a drone purchase. One of our SAR guys has a small drone and he shot the drone footage I used in the creation of the following video of our group doing ice training. I am flying my hovercraft. Enjoy!

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Wow. Thanks guys for the quick reply.

Crap...! If I understand you correctly I have to have cell service to be logged into DJI account and once in my account I have the distance restriction turned off.

That is really BAD news. I do search and rescue and much of the time I do not have cell coverage so I am limited to flying in circles around my SAR truck...that is about as useful as a f_rt in a spacesuit.

Hopefully DJI gets this worked out. I will try contacting DJI support.

I knew someone out there would have the answer...just wasn't the answer I wanted to hear.

Thanks again for your help. I appreciate it very much.

On a side note: Here is what sold me on a drone purchase. One of our SAR guys has a small drone and he shot the drone footage I used in the creation of the following video of our group doing ice training. I am flying my hovercraft. Enjoy!

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I understand as you do NOT need internet. You just have to be logged into DJI Go, which of course you would be since you're using the Moverios
You only need internet or cell service the first time you log into your DJI account to clear the restrictions....after that, (provided you don't log out of your account), you just start the Mavic up while you're connected to the app, and you're good to go.
Once again, thanks for your help.

Sorry, I am a little confused and a total novice with drones and goggles.

I have the controller plugged into the computer so it has internet.
I have the goggles plugged into the controller, and have brought up the Mavic App in the goggles and it shows connected on the controller and I can see the video thru the goggles. Am I logged into my account at that point?

I have gone into the MC list where I have Beginner and distance disabled. I still have max radius at 160'.

What am I missing?
Is there something I have to do in the BT300 goggles?
Is there something else I should do or not do?

Thanks, Chris
I have sold my Epsons a few months ago. thus I can't try replicating your issue. Though I sorta remember recently reading that there might be an issue with the DJI Go app update on the Moverio store. Have you tried updating?
I have the same issue with my Moverio ever since I updated my Mavic so I could use my new DJI Goggles last week.

I will go and check up on this again when I get home, as I think there is an app update pending on the Moverio app store for DJI Go (I have never updated it there).

I sure hope that reauthenticating on wifi will fix it, since my Galaxy S8+ has an app crash every 15 minutes or so (somehow it's flawless on my old LG G4), and otherwise I'm out $800 on the Moverio. Perhaps it would warrant a class action lawsuit if it is unusable since it was specifically marketted for use with DJI drones!

P.S. PM me if I don't update on this today.
I'm not sure what you mean when you say you have "the controller plugged into the computer so it has internet". The BT-300 controller is an android computer, so it needs to connect to the internet itself. Since the controller is running the GO4 app, you have to authenticate it there, ie not connected to any other computer. Then you launch the GO4 app and log into your DJI account. This only needs to be done the first time you run GO4 on the controller. Then you can take your Moverios out and fly, whether you are in cell coverage or not.

The Epson app store has version 4.1.2 of GO4 which is just .1 behind the Play store.

I've been flying my Moverios for a week now. All is good.

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