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Auto-discharging batteries


Jun 4, 2020
I find the auto-discharging feature of the batteries quite annoying. Is there a way to turn it off? Would it really damage the batteries that much if they kept their charge a bit longer before automatically discharging to 60%.

Let’s say I go for a long trip in the back country. You see the problem here.

Or if I keep the drone is a closet for some time and then suddenly see something that makes me want to use it. I don't always have the time to wait for the batteries to charge back to full.

None of my other devices do this.

Discharging to 90% would be no big deal, but 60%. Is that really necessary?
Short answer..... No.
Batteries.... Sore subject on this forum just do a search on this forum to see why.
There is little actual data or evidence I can seem to find that storage charging benefits lithium chemistry batteries.

note though I still do it! To me it seems there is a possibility it’s a ongoing hypothesis as often happens with battery technology. It’s just passed along for so long no one actually knows where it came from many moons ago.

I would love to see someactual data with it and a control etc. people will say “dji are experts and they designed it that way so that proves it’s correc”. That might be true, but it also could assist in selling the “intelligent battery” with it’s inflated prices more readily.

I would still advise you do it. But I wouldalso encourage those to limit charge cycles. So if you are charging from 20% stop at storage levels and top up the night before. Yes not always practical but something to try and practice when possible.

btw I am led to believe if you press the button to check battery level the 5 day counter starts again.

it’s an interesting topic and I would love to see some evidence till then I will always take it as not a given.
I now end up charging the batteries more often than would otherwise be necessary. For example I just fully loaded all 3 just in case I end up flying later today. Not sure I'll do it, but when I see how the weather behaves I will not have time to wait for them to load. I like to have my drone ready to fly on short notice.
Seems that the auto-discharging is not optimal for my use as it is now. Not a big deal though.
I know that not all modern Li batteries behave the same, but for years I have always loaded my phone and laptop to 100% and haven't noticed serious degradation. Only major problems have been a result of running the battery empty and then not loading it for some time.
@Flybridge one thing to remember the lipos used in our drones are packing a lot of power in a fairly small space, they have a reasonably high discharge rate as well, this means the chemistry used in them is very volatile in comparison to other applications, they need to supply a varying degree of voltage over many changing requirements during a flight ,this makes them more prone to damage, if the cell voltage levels get very low, or are subject to extreme temperatures
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