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Battery cycle


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2020
What’s the best way to cycle your battery’s like use one one flight then use the another battery and other time and go around each battery? Or just keep using one all the time
I fly mine down to 25%, then let them cool before charging them back up. I have all the batteries labeled by number so that they are always used in a rotation. It ensures they all have the same number of charge cycles.

It leaves me some room in the event an unseen emergency occurs and I need to land it...and still find it while the ‘find my drone’ function is available.
So you charge them to 40 -60 then before you use them charge them to 100?
I think he flies them down to between 40-60%, before putting them away. When he’s ready to fly next, he’ll charge them up to get to 100%.

He’ll correct me if I’ve got this wrong.
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@Ryanmini cant speak for @bumper ,but i fly mine down to around 40to 45% remaining charge, then i know that they can be stored for quite some time, before i use them again ,if i was laying them up for a few months then i would store them at around the 65% mark and check them monthly if you are able to fly on several days at a time then taking them down to 25% and then recharging them later the same day after they have cooled would be fine
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I've numbered all 3 of my batteries and my typical battery routine is:
  • Store at around 50%
  • Charge batteries up to 100% - as many as I expect to use
  • Go flying, using the batteries in numbered sequence, draining down to 20% for longer flights or about 50% for shorter flights.
  • Get home and charge up the empty batteries so they are all at 50% again and store
  • Repeat, starting with the next battery in sequence.
If I know I'll be flying again shortly (eg the next day or later the same day) I'll charge the batteries straight up to 100% rather than pause at 50%.

Don't forget the controller battery. It deserves a similar level of care. If using an android device it will be clocking up a similar number of charge cycles as the flight batteries. I typically get through 4 flight batteries per charge of the controller.
What’s the best way to cycle your battery’s like use one one flight then use the another battery and other time and go around each battery? Or just keep using one all the time
Use all of your batteries and maintain them like this.
I've numbered all 3 of my batteries and my typical battery routine is:
  • Store at around 50%
  • Charge batteries up to 100% - as many as I expect to use
  • Go flying, using the batteries in numbered sequence, draining down to 20% for longer flights or about 50% for shorter flights.
  • Get home and charge up the empty batteries so they are all at 50% again and store
  • Repeat, starting with the next battery in sequence.
If I know I'll be flying again shortly (eg the next day or later the same day) I'll charge the batteries straight up to 100% rather than pause at 50%.

Don't forget the controller battery. It deserves a similar level of care. If using an android device it will be clocking up a similar number of charge cycles as the flight batteries. I typically get through 4 flight batteries per charge of the controller.
I always do exactly the same !

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@Ryanmini just like to add a few words of advice ,regarding your batteries
its very easy to become obsessed with battery care ,when you see the multitude of videos on the subject on various platforms and indeed here on the forum
there are a few main things to avoid to help keep your batts healthy
(1) avoid excessive heat
(2) dont store fully charged for too long
(3) dont allow the cells to get to low for long periods
(3) dont leave batts unattended during charging
(4) handle them with care and make sure they are stored safely away from children and pets

finally find a routine that suits your flying agenda ,with regards to the above ,and stick with what works for you happy flying
As the rest of the seasoned pilots do, I fly my MP's to 20% battery life.
And, rotate them as well, from 1 to 3. Some batteries are 3 years old no problem with them yet. I fly every week, sun or not. Here is a screen shot for more info about battery life.


  • Screenshot 2020-12-02 at 10.29.12 AM.png
    Screenshot 2020-12-02 at 10.29.12 AM.png
    862.2 KB · Views: 8
Hi what happens if I forget to charge the battery’s and go down to say 5% or less.
Do I have to recharge them one at a time to bring them back from hibernation mode ?
Hi what happens if I forget to charge the battery’s and go down to say 5% or less.
Do I have to recharge them one at a time to bring them back from hibernation mode ?
User manual, right at the bottom of page 19. Essentially just use them as normal.
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