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Battery issue


Premium Pilot
Mar 8, 2022
This is completely my mistake, big time! I landed behind my boat and misjudged my landing. Air2 flipped. The battery did get wet even with the wetsuit. I don’t have a spare battery to check the drone. I’ve sat everything in the sun and I’m home now. Battery is on charge with no response from the lights. Any words of wisdom?
This is completely my mistake, big time! I landed behind my boat and misjudged my landing. Air2 flipped. The battery did get wet even with the wetsuit. I don’t have a spare battery to check the drone. I’ve sat everything in the sun and I’m home now. Battery is on charge with no response from the lights. Any words of wisdom?
Don't leave the battery alone...keep an eye on it.
This is completely my mistake, big time! I landed behind my boat and misjudged my landing. Air2 flipped. The battery did get wet even with the wetsuit. I don’t have a spare battery to check the drone. I’ve sat everything in the sun and I’m home now. Battery is on charge with no response from the lights. Any words of wisdom?
Bin the battery and get a replacement!
Fresh water or salt water? Either way I would not turn it on or even put another battery in until I was very sure the drone is completely dry. If salt water do a good search on how to deal with that.
Brackish, mostly fresh fro all the rain we have had. I did not try to repower the drone. I pulled the battery immediately sat the drone and is in sunlight. Then moved it to the cabin with a fan moving air across it.

**** what a stupid mistake
Update. New batteries came in today and I put a two hour charge on one. I got the drone to spin up, she took off hovered did a lap around the yard and landed. All seems to be alright.

I think her wet suit did it’s job very well.
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