My observations (and others will likely dispute)
1) NFZ’s - Litchi Wins - Able to fly in areas that DJI Go considers NFZ’s, even though the FAA does not.
2) Stability - DJI Go Wins - While I’ve seen multiple updates to DJI Go in the past 4 months, I can’t say that I’ve seen any in the last couple of months for Litchi. Litchi doesn’t appear to be quite as “refined” as DJI Go (but it’s not trying to control every single feature of the drone, like DJI Go is). Litchi has forced my tablet to reboot, more than once, I don’t think that DJI Go has ever done that.
3) Speed - Litchi Wins - if you want to just uncase and fly, Litchi takes no time at all to get up and running, whereas DJI Go wants to throw advertisements for the other consumer-grade drones they sell, and check firmware (EVERY TIME?)(even though it could do more of this offline). Litchi just opens up straight away into the flying app, no muss, no fuss.
4) Hardware Compatibility - Lithci Wins- I, and many other users with older, but recommended hardware, have had do down-grade DJI Go in order to run the app. The latest versions are not as efficient, and users have been experiencing video feed issues with versions that have been put out this past January and later.
5) OS Compatibility and cost - DJI Go Wins - Both apps have options for Android and IOS, but, of course, DJI Go is “free”, and no additional cost for installation two different OS devices.
6) FPV Cost - Litchi wins - Sure, DJI has some killer FPV glasses, but at $300, is it practical? If you’re a pro, sure, but for most people with an MP, FPV is a novelty, and requires a second observer to maintain LOS. FPV with Litchi comes at no additional cost if you have a smartphone and cheap pair of 3D
goggles lying around. Granted, with Litchi, you’re going to lose all control functions that you would otherwise have had with your touch-screen while using the
goggles, but you can still perform the basic control functions that the RC allows.
7) Cost - DJI Go Wins - The cost of Litchi has gone up, but the cost is still reasonable for what you get. Running IOS and Android doubles that investment for Litchi. If you’re reading this around November, keep an eye out for black friday deals on Litchi.
8) Waypoints - Litchi wins (with a caveat) - I bought Litichi for the waypoints feature alone, but I, like many other users, experience an issue where the gimbal sometimes pans up and down uncontrollably. Some of those “in the know”, state that the issue is because the MP is losing connection with the RC, my MP certainly isn’t losing connection when it’s 20ft away, but the gimbal still pans up and down uncontrollably on some flights. I have flown much farther from my RC with Drone Deploy, and never experienced the up/down panning with it. When it works (it usuallly does), Litchi’s waypoints feature is pretty awesome, it gives you the ability to define your camera’s focal point, along multiple waypoints, and provided you don’t have any obstructions in your path, you can pre-program an automated flight, fire up the drone, and it does it’s thing. It doesn’t always end the mission as programmed, but it has always hit all of the waypoints that I’ve programmed.
9) Advanced control functions - DJI Go Wins - it should come as no surprise that the native app is able to control more functions than a 3rd party app.
10) Documentation - DJI Go wins - Litchi’s guide is pretty vague, I’m still trying to figure out all of the different options for the Focus mode.
If DJI Go were quicker to fire up, and had the same waypoints function as Litchi, I wouldn’t use Litchi.