I think some great deals are out there if you keep your eyes peeled. The one store that seems to always have the right deal for me is Micro Center in Chicago. They do a lot of online sales, but I like just being able to walk in there. Last August I found my second deal in 18 months, a really nice laptop, a refurbished HP with 4k OLED screen with enough ram and a good enough GPU power to edit video. Here is what I got for $1100. I almost pulled the trigger for a similarly outfitted Gigabyte brand for about $2000. What I liked most about this laptop was the 4k Oled screen. Most laptops don't have UHD displays and only FHD. The year before I got an open box Aliengear desktop for $850 and all it needed was more ram to max out it's capacity. That's my main video editing computer and has never choked on Davinci Resolve with 4k files.
Micro Center has a lot of laptops, but the great deals come and go. You just have to be lucky or patient (I was just lucky). So here's a link to check them out.
Micro Center Laptop link
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