In contrast to today's all-day rain, we had a wonderful sunset last evening. I'm still getting to know the 7X lens on the Mavic 3 and shot this after doing several 360 panos. The center span of the railroad swing bridge is 1.70 miles away.
I love the way zoom lenses compress distance and put things into such close visual proximity. They concentrates images. I was struck by the number of manmade lines in this view. Vertical lines: the stumps of pilings where piers once were, channel daymarks, bridge columns, utility poles, and the stacks of a power plant in the distance. Horizontal (or nearly so) lines: fishing piers, bridge roadways and a railway, and the elongated thin vee of a power boat wake.
Nature added some horizontal lines and a lot of color, but nothing vertical.

Mavic 3. Auto exposure, 0 bias - 1/15, f4.4, ISO 110. ~220' MSL. No editing.
I love the way zoom lenses compress distance and put things into such close visual proximity. They concentrates images. I was struck by the number of manmade lines in this view. Vertical lines: the stumps of pilings where piers once were, channel daymarks, bridge columns, utility poles, and the stacks of a power plant in the distance. Horizontal (or nearly so) lines: fishing piers, bridge roadways and a railway, and the elongated thin vee of a power boat wake.
Nature added some horizontal lines and a lot of color, but nothing vertical.

Mavic 3. Auto exposure, 0 bias - 1/15, f4.4, ISO 110. ~220' MSL. No editing.