About a year ago I did some latency testing with my P3P, I got around 180 to 220ms lag between real time and the display. Today I did some comparison testing with my Mavic. I've had it about a month now and was curious how Ocu-Sync compares with the original Lightbridge that I'm so fond of. I got from 150ms to 340ms after doing many sample tests. Times will change based on the content and movement, but my baseline tests are similar between P3P and Mavic. I simply capture a phone stop watch with the craft camera and take a photo of the phone and ipad display, side by side. A simply math subtraction proves the latency. The P3P had more consistent latency of 180 to 220. The Mavic has a wider range of latency. Here are some samples of the results.


This was the best at 150ms



This was the best at 150ms

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