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Cannot find my videos on my iPad.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2020
In recent 2 flights, I couldn’t find the videos recorded on my iPad. Is there a setting got touched by me accidentally?
What I mean is: aren't videos supposed to be stored in SD card instead of the mobile phone?
Yes the big files are stored in the SD card. But a smaller files with less resolution also stored on the iPhone or iPad so that you can do quick editing and share them.
Do you have video cache turned on in the Go4 app?
Ok. I remember seeing an alert “2G video cache is full”. I will take a look at the settings.
You can increase that setting from 2 to 16 gigs if needed.
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Ok. I remember seeing an alert “2G video cache is full”. I will take a look at the settings.

I turned my cache off in settings long ago.
The videos there are probably only good if you want some form of low res video / photos if your drone is lost, otherwise it just serves no purpose I could see the value of (anyone else know another reason to keep it ?).
The only video / photos I require are the high quality ones off the on board micro SD.

As an aside, I always thought the cache would simply overwrite when it is full, not so ?
As an aside, I always thought the cache would simply overwrite when it is full, not so ?
Unfortunately not. Better to set to 16 gigs and then purge after a few videos.
Good enough to reaffirm my decision to leave it switched off, thanks.
One less warning to deal with from time to time.
There is a setting to auto tease cache when it is 1.2G if your set the cache size to 2G.
The low res videos and phones are good for me because I do share them on the social network or to my family via my iPhone work iPad.
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There is a setting to auto tease cache when it is 1.2G if your set the cache size to 2G.
The low res videos and phones are good for me because I do share them on the social network or to my family via my iPhone work iPad.

Thanks, I will check that out, but after 3 years I just shoot and edit the vids in 1080 and post to YT to either keep private, share with link, or make public, then use the links to share.
I'm hoping never to lose a drone with something vital I would have liked in cache, maybe having it off is an incentive there :)
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