There is also the Moron setting to consider. If it is set low enough the drone won't start at even a slight tilt. Because DJI is a closed system I have no idea what they set the Drones at. If you could change that setting to 360 then the drone would start in any config.
Certainly idiots exist lol.
I suspect your suggestion is only true where the drone is too low for there to be NOT enough time to apply a second 'motor restart' CSC.
With the recent DJI models I think the CSC takes between 1.5 and 1.7 seconds to work and during that time the drone's descent is governed by the maximum descent rate of the drone's flight mode.
Once the motors have stopped the drone will, fairly quickly, accelerate to terminal velocity but that acceleration will, at most, be approx 9.8m/s/s.
Given that I suspect that the terminal velocity of a
mini 1 will be between 14 and 16m/s its going to be more than 1.5seconds before the drone reaches terminal velocity.
As soon as the drone is seen to start falling, the motor stopping CSC can be released. Personally I would allow perhaps 1 sec before applying the motor starting CSC.
Providing tilt angles are 'acceptable' I think the drone will restart the motors almost instantly.
Then comes the next big question, will the motors restart at idle or is the drone 'clever' enough to realise it is falling and AUTOMATICALLY go to full throttle. I have no idea what the
Mini 1 will do in this respect so I would be inclined to go straight from a a successful restart CSC to full throttle without waiting to see how the drone behaves.
Obviously the length of time that Max RPM takes to halt the fall depends on how fast the drone is falling, that assumes the attempt doesn't break the props.
I don't know how long that would take so I will guess.
From a log I have seen, it took around 3.75 seconds of full throttle to halt the fall of a P3 that was initially falling at 47ft/s, 14.3m/s.
Let's roughly crunch some numbers, though
@sar104 would be MUCH better at this than me especially where drag enters the calculations, I ignore drag in mine.
I would use C mode, since it results in the least angles of tilt and speeds.
1.7s of full speed descent would result in 1.7m of descent. A slight over exaggeration.
1 second of gap between the CSCs and application of full throttle would result in, I think, a descent of approx 4m ( this assumes a constant acc of 9,8m/s but given the 'end speed' is possibly a bit excessive ) and the resulting descent speed would be approx 10.8 m/s but more likley less since I think drag would become a factor at the speeds reached.
Let's say the decceleration takes 3 second ( which is, I think an over exaggeration ) and ( incorrectly ) that the average descent rate is 10.8m/s.
I get a "worst case" fall of 38.1m, 125ft.
Personally I wouldn't start an attempt at under 200ft and, because of wobble concerns, would be more likely to start at 400ft.