Could be interresting for some!
4K 25fps Cinelike picture profile -
4K 25fps Standard -
2.7K 25fps Standard picture profile -
2.7K 50fps Standard picture profile -
1080p 25fps standard picture profile -
1080p 120fps standard picture profile -
1080p 120fps standard picture profile
Unfortunately I have no place to share the original files, any ideas? If you want to I can upload screenshots of after effects, but I don't know where to put them.
Now let´s see what hides in the profiles
Ok, first of,
- The standard profile is simply an S-curve but with added blue tint, probably to "pop" more in compare to cinelike profile. To much tint if you ask me, but hey, everyone wants different
The blue tint spreads all over the image, not only in highlights. The cinelike profile has a bit cyan/magenta tint in the lows.
- The 2.7K 25fps image has the same FOV as the 4K image, but 2.7K 50fps file is actually cropped in, wich in turns means it's zoomed in with natural loss of resolution! For a majority of people this would not matter, but if you want to Know the exact FOV to for example track your shoots in 3D, this is a good thing to know.
- The 1080p 25fps image has the same FOV as the 4K 25fps image. AND the 1080p 120fps has the same FOV.
- The 1080p 25fps image is actually really crisp and nice! The 1080p 120fps is as expected really not useful unless scaled down in post to say 720p. You can sharpen the 1080p 120fps image a little IF scaled down. The 1080p 25fps image really shines with the high bitrate!
- The 2.7K 50fps image is noticable less crisp, as expected. But can be carefully sharpened in post with good result.
Why am I shooting at some boring trees you may ask. Well if you think about compression. Moving trees with tons of details really puts the compression to its limits
Really if you only shot nice gradients you could definately shoots some nice 1080p 120fps images, but as soon as you introduce more and more contrasty details, the bitrate would need to start working more and more the more details. with added compression artefacts as a result!
To me, I'm actually starting to thinking that the cinelike profile is maby, maby introducing to much noice in the lows when you expand the compressed contrast curve! If I look at the standard profile, and raises the lows without moving the black point, the result is actually less noicy. I have seen this with other "flat" profiles, often contributed to not enough compression bandwidth!
This might look like critics, but the more I investigate the picture, the more amazed I am they actually managed to put such a good image processor in it. The camera it self is probably not stellar technology, but regular camera and sensor.