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Corupt Video Will Not Play from Crash


Jul 18, 2020
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Hello everyone. About 4 months ago I was flying My Mavic Air under a bridge (yeah I know, I know). I was just off line and my drone hit a pier and crashed into the river. Fortunately, I was able to retrieve and with the forethought of DJI refresh, the damaged drone was replaced by weeks end. I was able to retrieve the Micro SD card. All previous videos are fine, except the one of the crash? I have use a bunch of different players, all say cannot play file. Any thoughts? This might be a fun video to keep in what NOT to do.....thanks in advance. MM
Hello everyone. About 4 months ago I was flying My Mavic Air under a bridge (yeah I know, I know). I was just off line and my drone hit a pier and crashed into the river. Fortunately, I was able to retrieve and with the forethought of DJI refresh, the damaged drone was replaced by weeks end. I was able to retrieve the Micro SD card. All previous videos are fine, except the one of the crash? I have use a bunch of different players, all say cannot play file. Any thoughts? This might be a fun video to keep in what NOT to do.....thanks in advance. MM
if it is the same drone you sent in then you could have put the card in the drone and just started it up and the info from the crash would have finished downloading to the card ,you could still try it i suppose
Put the unclosed SD in the new drone. When you shutdown the drone normally, the video will finish and be watchable.

Oops, just saw your reply old man. Lol
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Unfortunately putting the SD card back into the drone did not close the file. I am missing something. Thanks in advance.
no i did say ,because it is a different drone to the one you sent in it might not work,
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Update with success!! I was able to repair the video file using theWondershare Repair-it app under the advanced feature.

There were actually fish in that river!!

Well done. Hopefully you'll share the video so we can all "learn" with you :)

For others who don' thave access the the WR-It program here's an option I've used several times with great success

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