I'd been having issues with my Air 2 getting really squirrly imediatly after take off and in one instance it started drifting towards me causing me to jump out the way before it crashed into the side of my house. No major damage to the drone as it was moving relativly slowly but trashed all 4 props and scuffed the fusilage. Glad I wasn't injured. I contacted dji support and they had me recalibrate the compass, and the IMU connection. Next few flights were uneventful. the next day I was again having issues with telemetry. I was just 59 feet away from the drone when the satelight, distance, speed etc turned red and got "RC not connected to aircraft: message. I double checked everything and rebooted everything, controller, phone display and the drone. Since there are some power lines and a cell phone tower not far from my house I decided to do my next flights a few miles away far from any possible interference. Same thing, after powering up and taking off all telemetry quit. Drone still responded to controls to landed, reboot everything and tried again but same thing. Next day back on phone with tech support and recalibrated everything once again and all was good,,,,,, untill this morning. Booted up, waited a while before I took off so make sure all was well. Walked a few hundred feet away from it and all still working. Took off and all was good until it wasn't. Got squirrely again, lost altitute and crashed into a lake and sank 5 minutes into the flight. I have dji refresh, filed a flyaway with all the details and now waiting to see if they will replace. I don't see how this was my fault as I brought up the issues to tech support and they gave me the go ahead fly thinking the problem had been solved. Anybody have any similar experiences with this kind of thing? |