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D-Cinelike over or under exposure?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2019
I've just started to experiment with this. I use my drone with ND filters to get the shutter speed of double the frame rate. One thing I have noticed is that with the ND filters you rarely have perfect exposure on the histogram - sometimes under, sometimes over.

I've found that with under exposure you can increase by several stops in Premiere Pro and get excellent results, but have not gone with over exposure yet. I did read somewhere that over exposure is better than under when using D-Cinelike. What are other's experiences here please?
I've just started to experiment with this. I use my drone with ND filters to get the shutter speed of double the frame rate. One thing I have noticed is that with the ND filters you rarely have perfect exposure on the histogram - sometimes under, sometimes over.

I've found that with under exposure you can increase by several stops in Premiere Pro and get excellent results, but have not gone with over exposure yet. I did read somewhere that over exposure is better than under when using D-Cinelike. What are other's experiences here please?
Firstly- the ND filters should have no impact on your ability to dial in exposure as accurately as you might without them. You may have to move away from your TV=2*FPS ideal to get the correct exposure- obviously.

Overexposure is impossible to fix in post. Deliberately under exposing will lead to more noise in the shadows. It’s a fine line with compromises.
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In video you are better a bit on the plus side or you can get noise in shadows.
This is generally called exposing to the right or ETTR
If you have the zebras enabled they want to be just flickering in the brighter parts of a 'normal' scene.
If you have a lot of very bright sky or lights in frame that might all need to blow to get the darker areas bright enough.

There will be occasions where to maintain ambience you want to go darker.
I would rather have a little under exposure than over exposure. Under exposure can be fixed easier in post production. Over exposure there is not much that can be done about it.
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