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Different space between the props

Mister C

Apr 22, 2020

Is it normal and without any impacts on the drone, that some props have a lot more clearence/space between the blades than others? See attached images

I recieved my brand new MPP Fly More Combo last week.
The drone was installed with 2 pcs of props on with gold tip, and 8 was in a foldable paper case. A total of 4 with gold tips and 6 with silver tips.



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Ordinarily the tips do tend to lay very close when folded as shown. It does look a bit unusual for there to be so much space... as if distorted or bent, either in manufacture or storage.

I’d check those with the gap very carefully. I’m thinking, at the very least the variance could cause vibration/jello.

My best guess is, probably not dangerous, but possibly sketchy. You don’t want to take chances with props.

Is it normal and without any impacts on the drone, that some props have a lot more clearence/space between the blades than others? See attached images

I recieved my brand new MPP Fly More Combo last week.
The drone was installed with 2 pcs of props on with gold tip, and 8 was in a foldable paper case. A total of 4 with gold tips and 6 with silver tips.

welcome to the forum,it does appear that one of the silver tipped props has a slight up curve in one of the props it could be just from being packaged for a long time ,i would use the gold tipped props to get you flying, and see if the silver one compares to other silver one after it has been left unpackaged for a while, though they should be no difference between the gold or silver tips,just the colour
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I flew the first like 5 times with the gold tipped ones - The drone yawed constantly, sometimes more than others. It’s not doing it all the times, but most. Yesterday (when posting this topic) I also did and IMU calibration. I flew a couple of times later with the silver tipped ones with more clearence between the blades, and I din’t recall it yawed/turned slightly when not input was made from the RC. It flew as it should and I didn’t see any abnormal.

I will test again later today and see, if I just didn’t see it yesterday, because I didn’t to something with cinematic purposes in mind.

And maybe do a 2nd compass calibration in an open field away from the RC and phone etc.

If that doesn’t help about the constant turning a bit, it must just the way the Mavic Pro is produced with that flaw. (I have searched Google and that was what I found)

I can’t see any difference when flying and hovering, and the space is gone on 3 of the sets now, so they look like the gold tipped ones.
Weird, but I won’t be bothering by it then ?
I flew the first like 5 times with the gold tipped ones - The drone yawed constantly, sometimes more than others. It’s not doing it all the times, but most. Yesterday (when posting this topic) I also did and IMU calibration. I flew a couple of times later with the silver tipped ones with more clearence between the blades, and I din’t recall it yawed/turned slightly when not input was made from the RC. It flew as it should and I didn’t see any abnormal.

I will test again later today and see, if I just didn’t see it yesterday, because I didn’t to something with cinematic purposes in mind.

And maybe do a 2nd compass calibration in an open field away from the RC and phone etc.

If that doesn’t help about the constant turning a bit, it must just the way the Mavic Pro is produced with that flaw. (I have searched Google and that was what I found)

I have the gold tipped noise reduction props. I noticed in some of my videos that it does have a slight tendency to yaw. Mostly to the right, but sometimes to the left.
I have the gold tipped noise reduction props. I noticed in some of my videos that it does have a slight tendency to yaw. Mostly to the right, but sometimes to the left.
the colour of the tip should have no effect whatsoever on the flight characteristics of the drone, they are the same shape and construction
i believe the idea was to have different colours front and rear, so as to help with orientation when flying, although its hard to tell at any sort of distance ,maybe just for landing as it comes down
the colour of the tip should have no effect whatsoever on the flight characteristics of the drone, they are the same shape and construction
i believe the idea was to have different colours front and rear, so as to help with orientation when flying, although its hard to tell at any sort of distance ,maybe just for landing as it comes down
They're the noise reduction props. They behave slightly differently than stock props. A comparison on a youtube showed that there was a slight increase in efficiency and flight time.
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They're the noise reduction props. They behave slightly differently than stock props. A comparison on a youtube showed that there was a slight increase in efficiency and flight time.
@lookout with respect, i am aware of that but the MPP comes with the low noise props as standard,and that is what the OP was on about and they come with gold or silver tips
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I'm just M1P with both stock and noise reducing.
no problem you can of course use the standard or low noise on both drones ,but to get the full benefit of the low noise you need the different ESCs that the MPP has, the reason for the noise reduction is mainly down to prop design, the shape of the tips breaks up the vortices coming off the tips of the props, which in the process actually makes them quieter
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They're the noise reduction props. They behave slightly differently than stock props. A comparison on a youtube showed that there was a slight increase in efficiency and flight time.

If you could take a look at the provided attached images in my first post you can see, that they are all the same.

as old man mavic already said, they’re the same with different colored tips only :)
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