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Distance Threads


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
It still amazes me that people who buy a DJI product are all worried about how far they can fly and still have control of their respective Drone, DJI or otherwise. If you can not see your drone in flight, then you need to hit the Return to Home Button or use the screen to bring it home. Anyone who flies beyond eyesight is a damned fool. I was once into the distance thing and then it dawned on me that the Line of Sight is the Safest Way to fly any model of drone. You as the pilot and operator are totally responsible for whatever damage your drone causes if it crashes, either in your control or not. The minute you take off, you assume full and total responsibility of your craft. Anyone who blames the drone manufacturer for crashing their drone into a crowd of people is a fool. Once you buy it and fly it, it is your responsibility, so fly Safe, Fly Smart and Fly Cautious.
Agreed. The great signal strength is there so you can keep control in less than optimum conditions, get great stills/video, all while maintaining LOS.
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why have a mavic when a spark would do local flying
The Mavic has a better camera.
but keeping it close inhibits its potential but i see where your coming from,id likely only go distances in remote areas.
I can see the Mavic from several hundred feet away, so I don’t feel the need to always “keep it close.” That said, a better camera is a better camera, whether it’s 10 feet away or 100 feet away.
Ive learned my lesson with the long flights. I am only going to fly far when i get to the country no more flying 3 miles away when i am in my residential area
I was in a thread over at about more restrictions coming to flying, and my take is that everyone's flying conditions are different than others. Many of us have huge uninhabited areas where flying beyond line of visual site is not unsafe or dangerous. I can fly from a hill not too far from my house and see for miles over a relatively flat desert plane. The desert plane is uninhabited and if there are any aircraft entering the area, I will be able to see them with no problem.

Of course, there are others who live in populated areas where more restrictive rules should apply. Safety to persons and property is the ENTIRE reason for the rules so drawing up the rules and applying them should be the goal while flying enjoyment takes a second seat. Still, we have 80 mile per hour speed limit here in my area, but that wouldn't be prudent in a far more populated area. There are many other examples, but just wanting blanket more restrictive laws, to me, just doesn't jive.
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