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DJI Assistant 2 - Usefulness?


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2017
Cedar Creek, TX
So, I know my main PC does not run DJI Assistant 2, it does not like the network card/drivers and thus the CAPTCHA will not install / load.

I researched it and while I will probably go grab a cheap Gigabit network card later this week, curious who all has had similar issues and is DJI Assistant worth the trouble?

I installed it on my laptop, but that pig is slow as can be and totally unable to run any sort of graphic program for editing the videos, so.. useful only for DJI 2.

Not asking why it does not run, just asking how useful it is.


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Hey thanks Thunder. When you say "repairs"... such as?

I have a battery with only 20 charges that says it is bad in the dji app, will not let me take off with it. Current overage or something. I tried draining it by leaving the drone turned on for a few hours, since all that I can do is let it sit there, then recharging it.. still same error.

Have you had any issue like that?

Hey thanks Thunder. When you say "repairs"... such as?

I have a battery with only 20 charges that says it is bad in the dji app, will not let me take off with it. Current overage or something. I tried draining it by leaving the drone turned on for a few hours, since all that I can do is let it sit there, then recharging it.. still same error.

Have you had any issue like that?


If the battery is less than 6 months old, you can probably send it back to DJI under warranty. I have done that with a few bad batteries.

Current overage sometimes occurs when braking after a speed run, but usually doesnt ruin the battery. If your drone wont fly with that battery, you might have a bad cell.

If it's outside the warranty period, you might have a brick, although some people are able to revive them.
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Yea, I got it used off craigslist. They said they got it in July, but from some guy that a bunch of mavic people bought from then he went out of business.

It runs, so all is well, but pretty crappy dji warranty that cannot tell from the serial # when it was sold and/or that 20 charges and dead is not a warranty issue.. heh

Oh well.

It is at like 59% atm. Trying to let it discharge one more time to like 5%. Then will cool it down and then try to charge it again and see what happens.

No real documentation, just people saying to discharge it.. some say 25-35%, some say to 5%. DJI admins .. nothing.. won't provide any real advice outside of "discharge and recharge and then check warranty.

Was hoping DJI Assistant might tell me something. I was finally able to get all the flight data files off it... not sure how to read them though.

Just looked and cell 1 is 3.69v, cell 2 and 3 are 3.9v

They are dropping (2 & 3) as the battery drains. So, theoretically.. if I can drain it enough they are all equal, I may be able to recharge and get it working. We will see. Either way, if it is dead, it is dead.

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