There are a few things being conflated here, so here's the rundown on what all those markings on the cards actually mean.
SD, SDHC and SDXC - This is just the size of the card, honestly. SD cards topped out at 2GB so we got SDHC which topped out at 32GB... and then we got SDXC which tops out at like 2TB.
Speed Class (this is the number in a circle... the options are 2, 4, 6, 10) - It's the minimum write speed in MB/s (so class 2 is 2MB/s, 10 is 10MB/s, etc.)
UHS (this is the I or II on the card) - This is the UHS level on the card. UHS-II cards have an extra row of pins that require that the slot also be UHS-II. AFAIK no DJI products ship with a UHS-II slot, so UHS-I cards are fine. In some devices UHS-II cards can actually perform worse than UHS-I cards.
UHS Speed Class (this is the 1 or 3 inside of the U) - This is the minimum write speed. 1 is 10MB/s, 3 is 30MB/s. Both of these should also have a Class 10 marking from the old speed class.
Video Speed Class (V6, V10, V30, V60, V90) - These are the higher speed classes and represent the minimum write speed in MB/s... so a V90 card can write 90MB/s at a minimum.
Nearly any good card is going to outperform its speed class, especially at the higher end.
So, how fast of a card do you need? The max bitrate on all DJI drones available right now that record to SD is 100Mb/s. Bitrates are measured in bits (b) and the card speeds we're talking about are measured in bytes (B), so you have to divide the bitrate by 8 to figure out how many MB/s you need. The answer is 12.5MB/s. To be safe, I'd stick with cards that can support at least 15MB/s write if not 20MB/s. Anything faster than that is wasted on the drone side of the equation. It will not record better, smoother 4K no matter what you want to believe. The frame rate also doesn't matter because no matter what 4K frame rate you're shooting, it's being shoved into the same bitrate of 100Mb/s (12.5MB/s).
I run Sandisk Extreme (not Extreme Pro) cards in my DJI drones and have had zero issues with the card speed ever. They're reasonably cheap as well for tier-1 cards.
Buying a 90MB/s card for a drone that records at 12.5MB/s is a waste of money unless you need really speedy downloads and have the card reader (not your $20 Walmart special) to support it.