Usually you get access to the visual sensor calibrations through the DJI Assistant 2 software.
You can find the version for
Mavic 2 here -->
Mavic 2 - Download Center - DJI
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Still working on resolving a downward sensor problem. Not working.
My thanks to all contributors. Please excuse my ignorance. Please understand that you are dealing with a really old and not mechanically-inclined drone pilot. But, I really enjoy flying the
Mavic 2 Pro and I do not want to lose it. Originally, I checked the
Smart Controller for guidance on downward sensor calibration. Nothing seemed to work. Cleaned the sensor surfaces; no improvement. Guidance from this forum inspired me to resolve a potentially serious problem. Not there yet, so I am looking for further guidance. As guidance for others with a similar issue, I offer the following as a report/checklist of progress so far.
1. Unlinked my
M2P from my
smart controller.
2. Relinked to the original controller.
3. Downloaded DJI Assistant 2 to my home Windows PC. Appears to be compatible with my equipment.
4. Identified on the
M2P a small rubber panel that provides access to a computer connection. It appears that it provides connection to my home PC. Is that accurate?
5. Encountered low-battery issues with all equipment (
Mavic 2 Pro batteries,
Smart Controller and my Original Controller).
6. Now recharging all batteries.
7. As a next step, I plan to connect the
M2P to my home PC for the first time.
8. Assuming that works, what should I expect to see on my PC screen? Where should I look for the page shown above on this page?
9. What should I expect as next steps?
Thank you from a really old drone pilot.
Ron B