Okay so I've had my Mavic for a few weeks now and it's been perfect up until now. Firmware up to date, sensors and compasses normal. As of yesterday my drone seems to want to drift a little. It's been in high winds but I have flown in high winds before with no problem. It even got to the point that it was drifting away from me and I couldn't bring it back in regular "P" mode. Holding back would only be enough to make it stop drifting away so I had to switch into sport mode to get the ol' girl home. Now today it seemed to be pretty good as far as drifting was concerned, maybe a foot or so here and there, but when I returned it to home it was like a good 10 feet off it's mark, with like 12 satellites on board. Has anyone experienced this? I'm going to recalibrate IMU and compasses to see if it helps. This thing was too expensive to be ******* up less than a month into owning it. Thanks everyone!!