I was getting some Hurricane Damage views and Florida is very flat so the transmitter would lose signal after about a mile out... so fresh battery and LItchi to the rescue, sent my Mavic on a 12 minute "out of transmitter range" mission, to film my Daughters old house from above and survey the roof. about 10 minutes in, the transmitter displayed "Battery at 12%, returning to home" or some such... a couple of minutes later it displayed "Landing". I searched for for it for about 8 hours and tried to get it to connect to dji go app, find my drone, and the litch app but to no avail... The LItchi flight log only shows the position of where it left transmitter range, those logs are usless and since I wasn't using DJI go, no logs exist there either. My only hope was to have a buddy fly his drone over the same route and to have someone read the transmitter logs in the hopes that since it displayed some information that Gps coordinates might be stored there. LItchi gave me the middle finger, so did DJI, they refuse to read the transmitter logs since I was flying with Litchi, That makes no since to me why they wouldn't want to at least tell me what the coordinates were when the forced landing happened. Their app is running the transmitter, I've begged,pleaded and dropped significant verbal bombs on them but it's like Steve Martin at the Rental Car desk in Planes Trains and Automobiles.... Can anyone read those Transmitter logs? It also blows me away that Litchi would not obtain the ability to read the transmitter logs, What business do they think they are in? What kind of moron(s) are running the IT departments at both companies?