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Drones in Fort Nelson, B.C. wildfire zone endanger helicopters...


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2022
It is that time of year again where drones become an issue for those fighting forest fires. After reading the article [see below link] it struck me odd that a mayor of the town would say" he would take out a drone with a 12-gauge shotgun if he could, but he's not allowed,"
Making folks aware about drone flying during firefighting is one thing, but to voice his opinion about what he'd like to do if he could seems a tad irresponsible, as it might encourage others to do it if they thought they might get away with it.
Your thoughts...

It is that time of year again where drones become an issue for those fighting forest fires. After reading the article [see below link] it struck me odd that a mayor of the town would say" he would take out a drone with a 12-gauge shotgun if he could, but he's not allowed,"
Making folks aware about drone flying during firefighting is one thing, but to voice his opinion about what he'd like to do if he could seems a tad irresponsible, as it might encourage others to do it if they thought they might get away with it.
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People need no encouragement from the government to do bad things. If they're going to break the law, they'll do it regardless. I think you might be thinking if the mayor does it and get away with it....yeah, that would be sending the wrong message. But I agree with you, in a country like Canada where such "actions" are highly frowned upon, I'm surprised he's still in office. At at minimum, the Mounties should take a closer look at the "tools" he owns. I mean, who does he think he is, a US small town mayor where he's expected to pop off about these things? Drones in teh wildfire zone are a major major safety issue and year after year it continues to happen and I'm shocked nobody is doing anything about it but letting is just continue to be a problem year after year after year. Nobody can fight fires from air in peace and nobody goes to jail or "fined." It's like there is a stalemate and know, let retail shoplifting; nobody has an answer. If they are waiting for me to come up with a solution, just let me know...I have many ideas.
Your thoughts...
It sounds to me like his comment was borne of frustration. He's trying to drill into pilot's minds that their behavior is endangering property and lives, and perhaps a bit of hyperbole might help with that?

I would turn my ire toward the pilots first before throwing the mayor under the bus.
It sounds to me like his comment was borne of frustration. He's trying to drill into pilot's minds that their behavior is endangering property and lives, and perhaps a bit of hyperbole might help with that?

I would turn my ire toward the pilots first before throwing the mayor under the bus.
Totally agree with you EssenYVR
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It sounds to me like his comment was borne of frustration. He's trying to drill into pilot's minds that their behavior is endangering property and lives, and perhaps a bit of hyperbole might help with that?

I would turn my ire toward the pilots first before throwing the mayor under the bus.
100% in agreement. I can’t speak for Canada, but on a Wildfire in the US the Forest Service grounds all flights when a non USFS/BLM/etc drone is detected.

I would not want to be the pilot identified as being responsible for the grounding of all flights during a wildfire.
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