Well, the final chapter in my search for the ideal AR mask deals with my experience with the MagiMask. The major plus for this piece of kit is that it allows you to fly using the official DJI app , something which I feel more comfortable with and for anyone wanting to claim recompense from DJI for loss or damage to their drone, is possibly essential??
Unpacking it, one major problem became quickly apparent. My phone is an android Xiaomi Redmi Note 7. The on/off button is just off centre at the side with volume controls above. I suspect designers of this mask assume everyone uses Apple Iphones where that button is near the top of the phone. MagiMask uses a pair of clips attached to elastic to fasten the phone in place and of course, one of them is in exactly the wrong place!
My solution was firstly to purchase for a few dollars a cheap fake leather case for the phone. The cases come with a rubber insert the phone sits in which I separated from the leather outer. I then removed the two clips from the MagiMask. The mask interior has a material lining which velcro attaches quite well to. I already had some adhesive velcro strips in my junk box which I attached to the bottom of the new rubber phone holder. The phone now sits exactly where I want it and in no danger of switching off! I had to pack under the velcro , so that the phone cleared the clip holders which I didn't want to remove and also to allow the USB cable clear access.
There is adjustment for lens distance and I found I needed to have it at the maximum, which definitely adds to the weight factor on the face. When flying one tends to have the head looking downward anyway which helps counter the discomfort. I am using small size pharmacy reading glasses (x2 magnification) and get a very clear picture. The younger, healthier Mavic Pilots possibly won't strike either of those two problems!
Would I recommend this mask? A qualified yes, but it is not inexpensive especially if you are converting US dollars to currencies that have a less favourable exchange rate. I've received an email indicating several manufacturing runs over the next few months, so specials may be on the horizon? who knows. They were selling for US$89 a while ago. If you are using a phone with control buttons near the centre you could have a problem. Doing what I've done will have ripped up any warranty. I don't regret the purchase, but I think there are a few flaws. This whole exercise for me has shown that nothing out of the box has been a perfect fit and having a good workshop and lots of junky bits has been very useful!!
I'll probably use all three masks from time to time depending on the situation. They all have a unique difference which keeps the hobby interesting.
ps. The wireless mouse using the upper leg works just fine!