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External Hard Drives - Drone Footage?


Jan 3, 2018
Hi. What do you recommend to get for an external hard drive to use on my Mac to place my drone videos and photos on?

I use a cheap chromebook that I got off tanga for like 60 bucks. The battery lasts for days even with heavy use of an external drive.
One item to avoid is the Eaxer external HD case. I have some older 3TB HDs from my NAS sitting in a drawer so I thought I'd get these enclosures and convert the drives into USB external HDs. Unfortunately it's flaky as hell; when I plug it into my i7 Windows 10 desktop machine it repeatedly connects and disconnects every few seconds, making it basically unusable. Avoid this cheap piece of garbage like the plague!
I was on the road last February from Montana down to Texas, and I was stopping to fly. I only had two 16 gb micro SD cards which filled up fast, so I stopped at a Best Buy in Salt Lake City with the intent of purchasing a portable hard drive. Instead, since they didn't have what I wanted at the time, I went with a 128 micro SD card for use in situations like this where I'm on the road. I could get about 30 4.2 gb files on the 128 gb card so that would be enough space for the road.

I just came back from a trip, and now I can't find my 128 gb card for some reason. Because of that, I may pick up one of the DJI Seagate drive LuvMyTJ posted above. I've seen them for a while there at my local Best Buys, but I'm still hoping to find that 128 gb card.

This is neither here nor there, but I now have 3 16 gb micro SD cards so they will hold me for a couple of days on the road. Dang, where in the heck is the 128...
I was on the road last February from Montana down to Texas, and I was stopping to fly. I only had two 16 gb micro SD cards which filled up fast, so I stopped at a Best Buy in Salt Lake City with the intent of purchasing a portable hard drive. Instead, since they didn't have what I wanted at the time, I went with a 128 micro SD card for use in situations like this where I'm on the road. I could get about 30 4.2 gb files on the 128 gb card so that would be enough space for the road.

I just came back from a trip, and now I can't find my 128 gb card for some reason. Because of that, I may pick up one of the DJI Seagate drive LuvMyTJ posted above. I've seen them for a while there at my local Best Buys, but I'm still hoping to find that 128 gb card.

This is neither here nor there, but I now have 3 16 gb micro SD cards so they will hold me for a couple of days on the road. Dang, where in the heck is the 128...

Did you record directly onto the 128gb card? Thought the Mavic doesn't write to cards over 64gb.

I think it's good to have a few 32gb cards for the road. They're quite cheap.
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Did you record directly onto the 128gb card? Thought the Mavic doesn't write to cards over 64gb.

I think it's good to have a few 32gb cards for the road. They're quite cheap.
When I’d format it before flight in Litchi, it would tell me how much gb I had, but I can’t remember how many that was since I only used it a few times a while ago. I can’t remember if it was the full 128, but if not, it was close even though 64 gb is supposed to be the top. I’ve been looking everywhere, and my next place to search is inside my vacuum cleaner’s bag. I will update if I find it.

***UPDATE*** I found my 128 gb micro SD card, and I flew with it today. The image above is my Litchi menu showing how much space is on the card after I had formatted it. As you can see, it doesn't appear to be the full 128 gb, but it is still enough for me for several flights. I still have my other 3 16 gb cards, so I really don't need the drive. Still, that Seagate sounds good, especially for the price.
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I'm using a Nexto ND 2901 with my DSLR (CF) and other cameras (SD). The case is available without hard drives and can be equipped with 2.5" hard drives of any capacity. The Nexto does differential backups and has an USB slot to connect to another hard drive for backup.
Lycus Tech Mavic Air 3 Case

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