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Feature Requests /User Feedback Forum?

Citizen Flier

Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2019
Is there a forum here, where feature requests, bugs, etc. can be directed to DJI?

This is an excellent & informative forum site that I have benefitted from hugely. There's a respectable signal : noise ratio in the various forums.

I was exploring the options for Auto Exposure Bracketing in the Mavic 2 forum, where users have long lamented the lack of support for AEB in manual mode. I'd like to see a firmware fix for this if possible. But how to best communicate to DJI? I don't recall seeing a feedback forum on the DJI forum site. I wonder how DJI gets user feedback?

Would they pay any attention if there was a good user feedback / feature request forum here? I'm guessing DJI will not wade through thousands of posts asking for everyone's personal fantasy feature. But if done right, ("curated"?) perhaps it could be a way to influence R&D?

I would really like to see improved AEB as robust as my DSLR. I've done some respectable HDR images with the M2P, but the inference is weak there. I also have my own extended feature wishlist. And if enough items were offered, I would consider an upgrade. I would think that might be usable data for DJI -if enough forum members supported specific items. Perhaps this already exists here?
Dang! Were these injuries caused by drones? As a guitar player, I try to protect my hands and fingers, but haven't had problem launching/retrieving the MM.
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