OK Thanks. This is what I know about the drone specs,
Mavic 3, Thermal w/Pro controller. I have a lots of schoolin to go

I review the files again with the input you gave. You disc. seems correct.
DJI_20230121152125_0001_S 1.2GB Is the actual footage. I see the video switch from Std to Thermal as the 13sec mark. and continue in thermal until the end 0:05:47 as it was recorded
DJI_20230121152125_0001_T 257MB Is the Thermal video only. There is no std footage, only thermal
DJI_20230121152125_0001_V 3.67GB Must be the high res or maybe RAW footage. Std video only, No thermal switching at the 13sec mark.
Thanks Have a good day