All flawless flights on mine. I calibrate compass every now and then and always way from metal. Make sure my RTH point sets before every take off. I check it on he map; am I and the drone where the map says it is? I also conseider my RTH altitude; how windy is it and how high is the surrounding terrain. When I first take off I'll hover above my head and make sure the Mavic stays put and do a couple of quick spins. This is to convince my self the drone and little onscreen drone arrow point in roughly in direction. I only ever used RTH when first learning now days I always fly my drone back either via visual cues or via the map. I fly out of VLOS, I know shocking!, but I keep within a mile or two; I'm not really looking to push the range. If the video feed gets sketchy I go up until it's better. Also I pretty much exclusively hand take off and catch. I feel it keeps the mechanics cleaner plus it just seems easier on uneaven terrain or windy conditions. Just grab the sucker, don't let go and throttle down. Never mess with turning off any sensors.