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Flew Today With No Problems


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017
Anybody else experience this issue? I'm flying around my tree infested yard, buzzing around, high and low, in and out from under the filthy buggers, with their straggly arms swinging and swaying, trying to grab the Mavic and what not, no warnings, no errors, just me and the bird, flying, happy, safely, landing...ahhhh.
We had a little get together today. Peeps were talking about dude has a drone with him. I asked; what kind, they don't know, I ask; Is it a big, ugly, white one? They said, yeah. Dude breaks out some kinda generic phantom, I felt bad when I flew the Mavic over and he said drone war over; winner: me.
Man, I flew across the road to my neighbors house, at least 1k ft away, I'm shaking like some kinda undesirable person in a southern Baptist Church or whatever, flying by the seat of my pants, just watching the screen, I go low to get some video, connection is getting sketchy, wow! What a feeling!
I can hardly wait to get out there and get some awesome vityas of North Florida and South Georgia. My wish right now is to get a nice FJR and just cruise the back roads.
A FJR is made by Yamaha, in case you didn't know. The saddle bags will hold a Pro and whatever else you want. I'm running free! I'm running free!
Happy flying... and riding. I owned 2 FJRs until recently sold them, loved every mile on them, covering 30,000 miles a year. I went everywhere, during all weather and all seasons except deep snow, but thanks to global warming we don't get much these days. Best wishes from a cold wet rainy UK.
Thanks, choo choo. I had Hondas back in the day, almost got a BMW 1200 rt awhile back, the old lady put the kibosh on that deal. Now I'm getting to old to care. I thought about the bmw again but the Yamaha is just sweet.
Lol. I had the BMWs . Went from the old K1100RTs to the 1200RTs and the 1200GS. The Yamaha is far better built, and didn’t run out of steam beyond 100mph like the GS/1200RT used would. The beemer always had an issue with the rear wheel bearing failing, and it was a nightmare to change a clutch, it would mean completely tearing the bike apart to remove the gear box. It used to take about 6 to 8 hours to change one. If the battery wasn’t fully charged the ABS would never set itself until you’d done a few miles, then turned off and restarted. I. Ever had any problems with the Yamaha. I have a Honda Blackbird now, she is super smooth and very addictive. Best wishes.
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Thanks choo choo. Definitely going with the Yamaha.

I finally got off my lazy bum and drove down the road aways to a nice, big desserted park, about 15 acres with no trees, to fly the pro. I've been flying only around my house with lots of trees; nerve racking.

She handled nicely, no issues. In regular mode got up to 21 mph. I flipped it into sport mode for the first time (besides panicking in forced rth). Got up to 39 mph before I got scared, it was a little windy.

I also learned how easy it is to get disoriented trying to fly watching it by LOS at 500 feet out. Then when I look at the screen then look back at the drone, I would lose sight of it if it was below the back drop of trees. I would have to reorient myself by looking at the screen and gain altitude to see it again.

I definitely have a lot to learn, I'm happy I'm not having all the issues... knock on wood.
We had a little get together today. Peeps were talking about dude has a drone with him. I asked; what kind, they don't know, I ask; Is it a big, ugly, white one? They said, yeah. Dude breaks out some kinda generic phantom, I felt bad when I flew the Mavic over and he said drone war over; winner: me.
Reminds me of a story I heard. A Cessna 172 called ATC, and requested a ground speed check. ATC replied, “85 knots”. An F/A-18 was flying through the airspace, so, all full of himself, and to show off a little, the Navy pilot also requested a ground speed check. ATC politely replied, “625 knots”. Nearby, and high above the Hornet an SR-71 was flying through the area. He heard the exchanges on this air traffic channel, hit the afterburners, called ATC and requested a ground speed check. The ATC controller came on the radio again, laughing, and replied, “Two thousand three hundred knots.”
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Reminds me of a story I heard. A Cessna 172 called ATC, and requested a ground speed check. ATC replied, “85 knots”. An F/A-18 was flying through the airspace, so, all full of himself, and to show off a little, the Navy pilot also requested a ground speed check. ATC politely replied, “625 knots”. Nearby, and high above the Hornet an SR-71 was flying through the area. He heard the exchanges on this air traffic channel, hit the afterburners, called ATC and requested a ground speed check. The ATC controller came on the radio again, laughing, and replied, “Two thousand three hundred knots.”
Lol, that's one of my favorites!
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Happy flying... and riding. I owned 2 FJRs until recently sold them, loved every mile on them, covering 30,000 miles a year. I went everywhere, during all weather and all seasons except deep snow, but thanks to global warming we don't get much these days. Best wishes from a cold wet rainy UK.

we’ve gotten snow four times in the last ten days :confused: global warming :rolleyes:
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