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Flyaway - Found


Dec 3, 2021
Hungerford, UK
Air 2S...Only my 5th outing but I boldly went where I had never been before..with hills on one sde and farmers fields on the other...On the second battery, I pressed RTH before the low battery warning but it flew high into the sun (so I couldn't see it) and no matter what I did to take over control, it wouldn't come back. It landed a long way from me in a field of 2 ft straw! I set off without much expectation of finding it -
Then I discovered 'Find my drone' - bottom left of the smart controller, expands the map and gives the option to make the drone flash and make a noise AND pinpoints the drone location (despite having insufficient battery to fly) . It shows the position of the Smart controller (me) and draws a line between me and the drone. Just keep walking until the line gets shorter and shorter and there it is!! So I have it back!!
I've used it once successfully too, glad it worked out!
I pressed RTH before the low battery warning but it flew high into the sun (so I couldn't see it) and no matter what I did to take over control, it wouldn't come back.
Set an RTH height that's appropriate for your flying location.
Experiment with RTH in a large, open area.
Learn how to cancel RTH and resume control.
You can quickly and easily cancel RTH by flicking the Flight Mode switch out of Normal Mode and back again.

The reason your drone didn't come back will be in your flight data and understanding that will help prevent similar things happening in future.
Go to DJI Flight Log Viewer | Phantom Help
Follow the instructions there to upload your flight record from your phone or tablet.
That will give you a detailed report of the flight.
Come back and post a link to the report it gives you.
Or .. just post the txt file here.
"You can quickly and easily cancel RTH by flicking the Flight Mode switch out of Normal Mode and back again."

I didn't know that.............learn something new everyday.
Set an RTH height that's appropriate for your flying location.
Experiment with RTH in a large, open area.
Learn how to cancel RTH and resume control.
You can quickly and easily cancel RTH by flicking the Flight Mode switch out of Normal Mode and back again.

The reason your drone didn't come back will be in your flight data and understanding that will help prevent similar things happening in future.
Go to DJI Flight Log Viewer | Phantom Help
Follow the instructions there to upload your flight record from your phone or tablet.
That will give you a detailed report of the flight.
Come back and post a link to the report it gives you.
Or .. just post the txt file here.
That does not work anymore in the Mavic 3, I tried that a few times and went into sports then back to normal while in RTH and drone just carried on flying like nothing. Now you have to cancel on screen or use the pause button to cancel RTH.
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That does not work anymore in the Mavic 3, I tried that a few times and went into sports then back to normal while in RTH and drone just carried on flying like nothing. Now you have to cancel on screen or use the pause button to cancel RTH.
Can you check by flicking it to sport mode and back?
I tested the other day, it works on the Mini 2 but it doesn't work in the Air 2S.
It's odd that it's not consistent across different models using the same app.
I wonder what DJI have done to change things.
Could you post the flight data from the Air 2S where it didn't stop the RTH?
That might give me some clues.

See post #3 for details of how to get the flight data.
It's odd that it's not consistent across different models using the same app.
I wonder what DJI have done to change things.
Could you post the flight data from the Air 2S where it didn't stop the RTH?
That might give me some clues.

See post #3 for details of how to get the flight data.
I made 4 flights with my Air 2S during the weekend, I can't remember which one was, I can post all 4 flights. Sounds good? I have AirData, can I share them with you?

Edit: Looking at the logs I think is this one.
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Looking at that one, the drone didn't register any change of flight mode after it went into RTH.
Do you remember whether you just tried onetime or if you gave it a few attempts?
The truth is I don't remember which flight was, I test it once. I have all 4 logs but I think is better to test again, gimme some time and I'll do it and will take a note the time I did it.
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Looking at that one, the drone didn't register any change of flight mode after it went into RTH.
Do you remember whether you just tried onetime or if you gave it a few attempts?
Ok I took off, ascended to around 160' and flew to around 335'. Pressed RTH and after the drone turned 180 degrees and while flying back I pressed Sport three different times and nothing happened. When descending I pressed Sport another time and nothing happened neither.
Here you have the Log.
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What is issue at 56.2 seconds with alert about GEO zone and potential RTH failure? That same alert was on your other flight log.
What is issue at 56.2 seconds with alert about GEO zone and potential RTH failure? That same alert was on your other flight log.
That's because I live in a Class D zone (near an airport) I always have to get LAANC for take off at my home.
That's because I live in a Class D zone (near an airport) I always have to get LAANC for take off at my home.
What the chance that this GEO zone caused your earlier uncontrolled flyaway with
What the chance that this GEO zone caused your earlier uncontrolled flyaway with
It's unlikely that a GEO zone caused the OP's incident and it almost certainly wasn't an uncontrolled "flyaway".
There is likely to be a simple explanation for the incident but we'd need to see the flight data to tell what it was.
Unfortunately the OP wasn't interested enough to find out.
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I didn't have any flyaway. I'm not the OP. I'm just helping @Meta4 with some logs.
Sorry about that. I obviously missed that the flight data record was from someone else and that the thread took a different direction as the OP seems to be absent.
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