The logic behind "not every recreational activity being permitted..." appears to revolve around the premise that if you go somewhere or do something that MAY require other people being put at risk, if you were to end up in a situation of needing to be rescued and/or require access to stretched and precious health resources, then you should not undertake that activity in that situation.
On the face of it, this
directive seems over-bearing and unnecessary - but as a health worker myself, who is taking the first "relaxing" break away from daily frontline support that has recently too often started at 7:30am and not finished before 10:00pm, think about what you are wanting to do.
I for one would dearly love to take my "birds" somewhere and just relax for a short time, doing something "I enjoy" and doesn't involve the need to think about other people's problems.
However, I suggest none of us should be presuming such a scenario "won't happen to me". Very, very few people generally set out to have an accident. In most instances, the unforeseen
accident takes less than 5 seconds to occur. The fact that you're flying a UAV, skiing, surfing or boogie boarding is completely irrelevant after that. Your first responders then have an obligation to try and rescue you - before that task becomes one of recovering your lifeless, cold body.
In my country, USAR/SAR and to some extent HEMS involve a large proportion of volunteers. So, I urge anyone thinking that taking your UAV somewhere for a bit of understandable "self-isolated" recreation is not selfish. Think about how many people might need to be involved to effect a rescue, and the fact the rescuers cannot maintain social distancing during the rescue operation. That could become a COVID-19 risk for you, but it also adds risk (unnecessarily) to a very wide group of people directly involved in the rescue mission. When/if you end up in hospital, that then takes up a very large amount of health resources (unnecessarily), medical and nursing professionals, maybe theatre time - and worst of all, if surgery is required, will then take away a ventilator and ICU personnel during part of your recovery. Such resources will then not be available for someone infected with COVID-19, and whose life is going to absolutely be dependent on that ventilator and the ICU health professionals that go with it .
That someone might not be you, but it could be a parent, grandparent or a significant other.
Fly, by all means. But, do it over your backyard or driveway. Get innovative. Please just don't go somewhere on a whim; without giving very careful consideration to all the "
what if" scenarios that could flow from that choice!
Happy and safe flying
