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Flying out towards a Church /quick shots

Photoman phil

Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2020
West Sussex England
This might sound a simple thing but
I was just checking, i want to fly out of my garden with the mini 2 to a church which i can see from my garden its about a third of a mile away, So can i fly out to it and then use the quick shot mode to circle round the spire or do a rocket over it?
This might sound a simple thing but
I was just checking, i want to fly out of my garden with the mini 2 to a church which i can see from my garden its about a third of a mile away, So can i fly out to it and then use the quick shot mode to circle round the spire or do a rocket over it?
In the USA I would say something about being in visual line of sight at that distance, but since you aren’t and I don’t know your laws....I cant see why you couldn’t. Just go to you desired location and open up the quick shot mode and select your target....
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Physically I do not think there is anything preventing you from doing this but you should look at the CAA drone code before you attempt it Registering a drone or model aircraft | UK Civil Aviation Authority.
Things I would be wary of are unseen obstacles during the orbit, overflying a building, possibly people and a built up area, privacy concerns, visual line of sight ( a third of a mile is 536m and that is probably getting near the limit of the distance at which you can see the mini even in clear airspace) my MM disappears anywhere from 400m to 600m background depending.

There's a church near me that would I think offer a spectacular circle etc. and some day I may ask, the big question then becomes whether the flight would enter a built up area.

The above said I would NOT fly your propsed flight as my first experience of circling etc. practise somewhere in the open first, the behaviour may not be what you expect
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Things I would be wary of are unseen obstacles during the orbit, overflying a building, possibly people and a built up area, privacy concerns, visual line of sight ( a third of a mile is 536m and that is probably getting near the limit of the distance at which you can see the mini even in clear airspace) my MM disappears anywhere from 400m to 600m background depending.

The above said I would NOT fly your propsed flight as my first experience of circling etc. practise somewhere in the open first, the behaviour may not be what you expect
A few comments that will contradict each other...

1) A good strobe on your drone mounted in the proper position could possibly keep your drone in sight for that distance, but you'd be at the end of the visible range. I've done some VLOS range tests and during daylight hours I lose sight, unobstructed of course, at about 1600 ft (475M).

2) I agree with PhilliusFoggg as I too would not fly the mission as planned. I'm not sure what your experience level is, but I wouldn't fly that plan, especially as a new or relatively new pilot.

There are other ways to accomplish the same thing, but I would recomment your control point be much closer to the church where you can fly your drone back to the proposed start point, out to the church and then do the orbit where you can be up-close-and-personal to the drone's flight.

One more tip, if I may add... As was pointed out, you need to check for obstacles along the proposed flight path so you know the altitude you need to avoide them. I find it difficult to just the height of obstacles visually, unless a building where I can count the number of floors in the building, and have a relative guesstimate, adding in margin of error. Google Earth is your friend. In the comfort of your home, you can scout a mission sight on Google Earth, and as you hover over obstacles GE will display the height of pretty much anything. GE can also help you scout new missions and interesting places that would take hours to scout in person. JMO
If you think of getting around objects be prepared to lose signal and set the RTH to avoid smashing into architectural features. Based on the way you posed your question I suggest you don't venture into those deeds until you have all the answers ready by yourself.
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