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Furthest Distance in Urban


New Member
May 4, 2020
Hi All,

Apologies if this has been posted numerous times.. Just wondering what's the furthest you been able to fly you're mm with complete control in an urban area?

I struggle at 100m at home which is a built up area with my phone on airplane mode.
Brought it to work and which is semi rural and I got to around 600m but 300m in it was extremely jumpy and not really controllable.

Would love to hear how yours copes.

Kind regards
In city center few days ago I reached about 350 m before automatic RTH was activated (several times, all below 400 m), CE version.

But from other location (on a hill, a bit away from city center) I reached 566 m and did not lose signal, and I did not push it above that. But video had lag.
welcome to the forum,the distance will vary, depending on how much interference there is from other WIFI use in the area that you are flying
and even different times of day can change things as well just remember that there are a lot more people on the internet while this lockdown is in progress
Hi, did you selected manually the less busy wifi chanel or let auto selection?
Hi All,

Apologies if this has been posted numerous times.. Just wondering what's the furthest you been able to fly you're mm with complete control in an urban area?

I struggle at 100m at home which is a built up area with my phone on airplane mode.
Brought it to work and which is semi rural and I got to around 600m but 300m in it was extremely jumpy and not really controllable.

Would love to hear how yours copes.

Kind regards
Hi mate, it does vary. Before you fly check the signals of the WiFi channels in the transmission menu. You want the bars to be green and as low as possible (the higher the bars = the busier the channel, so more interference) this will give you an indication of how far you can get (the busier the channels, the less distance you will get). Around 'town' I get about the 200-300 meters. In the open I would normally get 500m with out any problems. I have managed to get almost 800m on a good day. I too am in the UK, so CE model.
You want the bars to be green and as low as possible (the higher the bars = the busier the channel, so more interference) this will give you an indication of how far you can get (the busier the channels, the less distance you will get).
Do you choose 2.4 or 5.8 Ghz? What is better in town?
Do you choose 2.4 or 5.8 Ghz? What is better in town?
The 2.4Ghz frequency has a very good range but sends the information relatively slowly. The 5.8Ghz frequency, on the other hand, sends information very quickly but has a reduced range.
5.8 will be more stable around town.
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Hi All,

Apologies if this has been posted numerous times.. Just wondering what's the furthest you been able to fly you're mm with complete control in an urban area?

I struggle at 100m at home which is a built up area with my phone on airplane mode.
Brought it to work and which is semi rural and I got to around 600m but 300m in it was extremely jumpy and not really controllable.

Would love to hear how yours copes.

Kind regards
I also had the similar problem but then I was able to send it to 1000 mtrs. However, the signal was jumpy it did activate the RTH twice once at 300 m and then again at around 700 m but as soon as I got back the gimbal control I deactivated and sent it again and yes it went without any problem.
I think you can't change the frequency manually in MM , atleast I am not able to do it in mine
Yes you can. Check on youtube there are plenty of tuto. Or check this link

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I took off from a field back in November and flew over trees, a hotel and houses to take some pictures of my house I was about 100m high and 600m as the crow flys (no chance of VLOS). Just got 2253m today out in the fields, the latest FW has definitely improved range for me


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