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Geofencing update


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2017
Zürich, Switzerland
So today DJI Go 4 prompted me to download a geofencing update. I did, no issues there.

Now, where I live in Switzerland I now seem to be in an enhanced warning zone. I need to click the checkbox and unlock it before every flight.

The only thing is - it's wrong. There's no flight restriction where I live according to local laws and regulations. Basically they made the circle around the local airport larger.

Any clue on where they get the data from? Does anyone else have experiences with wrong geofencing data on DJI apps?

I could simply not care and click the checkbox. But somehow this irks me: today it's a warning, maybe tomorrow I'm grounded (without reason). It would be good to know how DJI is maintaining their geofencing data.
I get the warning pop up every time, too. Even when I know I'm in a clear area. I suspect it goes back to the old issue of every hospital and unmanned heliport being classified as an airport. I guess I could drive up to the Klondike and test it out in the wilderness, but then I wouldn't get a mobile phone/wifi signal and couldn't fly anyway. I agree it's annoying, I just click it off and fly.
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So today DJI Go 4 prompted me to download a geofencing update. I did, no issues there.

Now, where I live in Switzerland I now seem to be in an enhanced warning zone. I need to click the checkbox and unlock it before every flight.

The only thing is - it's wrong. There's no flight restriction where I live according to local laws and regulations. Basically they made the circle around the local airport larger.

Any clue on where they get the data from? Does anyone else have experiences with wrong geofencing data on DJI apps?

I could simply not care and click the checkbox. But somehow this irks me: today it's a warning, maybe tomorrow I'm grounded (without reason). It would be good to know how DJI is maintaining their geofencing data.
I stopped applying those updates, just ignored the update notification. Bo issues, yet.
<snip>...out in the wilderness, but then I wouldn't get a mobile phone/wifi signal and couldn't fly anyway. </snip>
Why can't you fly out there? The phone I fly with has no sim card for cell service at all, and the Wi-Fi is always turned off.
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I have installed the latest today, but have not yet been able to fly it. I have not had any problems in the past.
Why can't you fly out there? The phone I fly with has no sim card for cell service at all, and the Wi-Fi is always turned off.

Most likely does not know that he can open the app while connected and leave it logged in. I don't think DJI GO will let you open it all the way if it can't connect to the internet. I could be wrong..
I also stopped doing updates due to increased restrictions by DJI
Most likely does not know that he can open the app while connected and leave it logged in. I don't think DJI GO will let you open it all the way if it can't connect to the internet. I could be wrong..

You just have to connect the app to DJI once. After that you can fly without WiFi and cellular.
You just have to connect the app to DJI once. After that you can fly without WiFi and cellular.

Definitely. I fly in airplane mode as most do. Not to mention my iPad doesn’t have any service. Just WiFi and there’s no WiFi outside.

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