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Gimbal won't move by using the controller wheel.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Not sure if it's the update or not, but I can't get the gimbal to move up and down by using the wheel. I've tried resetting the advanced gimbal settings, I've tried calibrating both auto and manually, I've tried recalibrating the remote (and it shows the wheel being moved on my phone or tablet). Nothing works. I've also tried going back and forth between follow and FPV modes, I've tried allowing and not allowing upward gimbal rotation, I've tried doing all the changes in each of the 3 modes, I've changed my customizable button, I've tried recentering the gimbal, which it does, but I still cannot move that gimbal with the wheel. It will move when I draw box with focus track so it seems the motors are working.

I'm at my wit's end.
Try downgrading the firmware to the previous version, this would then discount the upgrade if the problem persists
Try downgrading the firmware to the previous version, this would then discount the upgrade if the problem persists
Ok, will do. Also I forgot to mention that after the initial 3 notes on startup, the controller gives and additional beep like a button has been pushed.
If you see this before you start downgrading could you post exactly what you did, including EVERY button press, to "calibrate" the controller. The first time I tried this with a Phantom it turns out my understanding of the instructions was wrong and I am wondering if perhaps you have been caught out like me. Others can then check your procedure.
I just pushed both sticks to their maximums in 4 directions, on the wheel it was to the max left and right a few times.

Downgrade complete, issue remains.
I just pushed both sticks to their maximums in 4 directions, on the wheel it was to the max left and right a few times.

Downgrade complete, issue remains.

It looks like a hardware issue then

Just out of interest is it one of those scroll wheels that also acts as button, on the P4P controller it's also a push button to lock it ?
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It looks like a hardware issue then

Just out of interest is it one of those scroll wheels that also acts as button, on the P4P controller it's also a push button to lock it ?
Actually I don’t know...I don’t think so but I will reference the manual. It seems like the button to switch between video and photo may not work either...unless that is somehow locked as well.

I think that extra beep after the initial 3 notes on startup must mean something.
Actually I don’t know...I don’t think so but I will reference the manual. It seems like the button to switch between video and photo may not work either...unless that is somehow locked as well.

I think that extra beep after the initial 3 notes on startup must mean something.

I'm assuming the on-screen gimbal control where you slide up and down the screen works ?
I'm assuming the on-screen gimbal control where you slide up and down the screen works ?
No it does not. But I can draw a box on the bottom of my display and it will rotate down in order to track that spot...and similarly if I want it to rotate up. Like I’m having to trick it in order for it to work.
No it does not. But I can draw a box on the bottom of my display and it will rotate down in order to track that spot...and similarly if I want it to rotate up. Like I’m having to trick it in order for it to work.

Oh right, so the app is not working properly as well, when you did the firmware refresh of the RC and AC did you use DJI Assistant 2 on the PC ?
Actually I don’t know...I don’t think so but I will reference the manual. It seems like the button to switch between video and photo may not work either...unless that is somehow locked as well.

I think that extra beep after the initial 3 notes on startup must mean something.
Sounds like the photo/video button may be stuck. I just started everything up while holding that button down and I got the 4th beep at startup and my gimbal wheel didn't work until I released that button.

One thing I did notice is that the angular scale popped up on the screen but the wheel didn't do anything.

I would give the right side of the controller a couple of light raps to see if you can free the button up.
Sounds like the photo/video button may be stuck. I just started everything up while holding that button down and I got the 4th beep at startup and my gimbal wheel didn't work until I released that button.

One thing I did notice is that the angular scale popped up on the screen but the wheel didn't do anything.

I would give the right side of the controller a couple of light raps to see if you can free the button up. might be onto something. I'm down with the peer reviewed result duplication. That sounds like we're on the right track. At work now but will report back in a few hours.
The button itself is not stuck but it definitely acts like it is. It thinks it's pressed even though it's not, if that makes any sense. A few light raps did nothing.
The button itself is not stuck but it definitely acts like it is. It thinks it's pressed even though it's not, if that makes any sense. A few light raps did nothing.
Does the angular meter pop up on the screen when you turn the wheel? Also, does the photo/video button work?
Does the angular meter pop up on the screen when you turn the wheel? Also, does the photo/video button work?
Yes it would pop up but nothing would happen...just stay in one position.

I'm happy to report that after some minor controller disassembly, that button was indeed what was causing the problem and I once again have full gimbal control. I don't know if maybe it got a fine grain of sand in there or maybe a drop of water...but whatever it was has dislodged and I can move the gimbal again.

However, the flip side of that coin is that the photo/video button still doesn't work. But honestly, I don't care. I never used that button anyway.

Hats off to mightypilot2000 for taking the time to duplicate my results by holding that button down. If you hadn't done that, it's highly unlikely I would have discovered the cause. I knew as soon as we had an identical issue that had to be it. And hats off to the tried and true scientific method!!
Well...scratch that. I forgot to attach the plug from that part of the controller that goes to the main that's why it did what it did. But also the right stick wasn't working either...hahaha. All that aside, the gimbal WAS working again so we're still a little closer to the end goal.

But that DOES prove that somehow and for whatever reason, if that button is pressed, the gimbal will not work. It's kinda like buying a new pair of shoes so you can see better.

I will have to continue the disassembly to see if I can disconnect just that button alone and leave the rest of that part of the controller functioning normally.
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That looks a whole lot like liquid damage on that board underneath that button, wouldn't you agree? So it likely has electrical current moving over it whenever the controller is on...hence the button not actually sticking...but acting like it is, right?


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I don't know much about diagnosing circuit boards so hopefully someone else will step in here.

Please report back if you get it fixed though.
It's done!

I don't know much about diagnosing circuit boards so hopefully someone else will step in here.

Please report back if you get it fixed though.
I don't know much about circuit boards either, but I do know what corrosion on a terminal looks like and how it can negatively impact the electrical current. Once I got the controller opened (it's 4 screws with 2 of them hidden underneath the rubber pieces top right/left) it was pretty straightforward. It took me awhile just because I checked and rechecked to make sure there were no more screws as I was splitting the clamshell open since there are no YouTube videos for the Air 2 controller disassembly yet and I didn't want to break it. There are 2 small plugs that you should take off as well to avoid tearing the wires. This completely separates the top from the bottom.

Once I got it opened, I could see that it had a convenient modular design. The part I was concerned with was attached to the body of the controller with 4 additional screws and was comprised of the right control stick and that pesky little button. This is when I observed the button itself wasn't stuck, but the corrosion on the terminals from whatever tiny bit of fluid that got in there was causing the current to constantly flow through there...hence it "thinking" that button was always pressed. I took a cotton swab lightly dosed with rubbing alcohol and removed the corrosion.

And that was it. I reattached that module, connected the small plugs from the right and left stick modules, left the button removed because I wasn't taking any chances (I will probably reinstall this button today or put a piece of electrical tape over the hole to avoid dirt and moisture getting inside)and then fired it all up and took off.

She ran like a dream, gimbal works just fine again! After landing, I recalibrated the controller, flew once more and everything is as good as new!

Thanks for your help on this. I may have never gotten there without you effectively duplicating my problem by holding down that button.

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