B&H now has graduated ND filters for the Mini 3 Pro and the Mavic 3 Classic!
I've been using PolarPro graduated filters on my Mavic 2 pro and wouldn't be without them. PolarPro decided to abandon the graduated filters and I actually had to get my set from Japan, which I think was the last set available in the world (?). I love them. I have no idea why nobody else came up with that. How often do we have sky over-exposed or ground under-exposed when we expose for the sky? In my experience graduated ND filters largely solved that problem.
The PolarPro filters have been great because they were so subtle that I had to know to look for the difference in top to bottom exposure. I have some Skyreat regular ND filters but never use them as the PolarPro graduated filters do a great job.
I've not had any ND filters for any of my Minis before as I think in general they have limited use. But these? I had to order them to try them.
Again, B&H has them for the Mini 3 and Mavic 3 CLASSIC.
Just thought I'd share.

I've been using PolarPro graduated filters on my Mavic 2 pro and wouldn't be without them. PolarPro decided to abandon the graduated filters and I actually had to get my set from Japan, which I think was the last set available in the world (?). I love them. I have no idea why nobody else came up with that. How often do we have sky over-exposed or ground under-exposed when we expose for the sky? In my experience graduated ND filters largely solved that problem.
The PolarPro filters have been great because they were so subtle that I had to know to look for the difference in top to bottom exposure. I have some Skyreat regular ND filters but never use them as the PolarPro graduated filters do a great job.
I've not had any ND filters for any of my Minis before as I think in general they have limited use. But these? I had to order them to try them.
Again, B&H has them for the Mini 3 and Mavic 3 CLASSIC.
Just thought I'd share.