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Grief over cost of Drones

Lol, Wife doesn't mind the hobby or cost as much as me having to pop out when the "light is good" normally during dinner.... oh and she is getting overwhelmed with hey look at this video! Half the reason why i will stick around this place is you all are interested in the same hobby as me. I will just stick to hey look at this in the video/photo section for you guys/girls though. hahah
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Everything I spend for my hobbies cost me two times what it cost everyone else. For every dollar I spend my wife spends the same amount on something she wants. It’s usually jewelry. I have to factor in the 2X before I decide to buy a new “toy”. Keeps me in check.
I think it depends on circumstances to some extent. I'm at the age where our kids are mid twenties, and sometimes living at home - sometimes not. But either way not costing us as much as when they were young. Our outgoings on the house are still there, but not huge so we do have money for hobbies.

My wife takes the view that as I spent many years being the sole income, and always putting the family way before myself (indeed the cat still has a higher status in this house) I'm allowed to spend money on myself. However, she doesn't want me blowing thousands on something that's going to spend the entire time in a cupboard. And that's a fair point.

She does want to use it as a reason for us to go to nice places for me to film. What she doesn't want to do is "Hang around whilst I'm fiddling and faffing". She doesn't get that getting the perfect shot is just that! I've taken to going places on my bike ;)
Luckily my wife supports me about my drone, and has talked about getting her own. Of course I had it before we got married a couple of years ago. ;)
that is great but I think you are in the minority, my wife could care less about drones but she goes along with me owning two or three
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A drone hobby is no more expensive than lots of other hobbies. My late husband would not have complained about my drone. He and I had hobbies we did together and some separate. His hobbies were probably a little more expensive than mine. But if you can afford it and enjoy it, why make it an issue.
My first hobby as an adult was target and clay shooting. I had a 4 gun gunrack in my closet and once that got full I would just lean others on the wall. periodically I would rearrange them. Finally I bought a gun safe and she did not have access to it. We are now divorced.

As for the Drones, I started out with a few "toy grade" ones, some of which I trashed, crashed or watched as they flew off into the sunset. I have two MP1's with lots of spare stuff. Got one on Ebay ($540.00) and the other at a local pawn shop ($560.00). My current lady has no issues with my hobby. If I am flying out in front or out in the yard she knows where I am. She also wants to learn to fly (I will use a skyviper for teaching). Her Nieces stay over once in a while and they have flown my MP. So far no problem. Maybe I will keep this one (woman)>
We've been married almost 40 years & before we got married she said I could have anything I wanted except anouther woman. Best deal I've ever made. I had a 2 dozen+ real planes from prewars to a Bonanza, skydived, scuba, remote hunting camp, motorcross, touring bikes, etc.
Does your significant other give you grief over the cost of this hobby? I don't know what is wrong with my wife but she thinks my hobbies are a waste of money. She cannot believe what mavics cost.
My lady believes she was the driving force behind my successful business. Forget the 18 hour work days
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For over 40 years my wife and I have always been partners. She supports me, I support her. Yes, my hobbies have always been way more expensive than hers. Compared to what I’ve spent on Harleys over the years my drone expenses don’t even come close. Not to mention what I’ve spent on my drums and music ?.
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She stopped when I started introducing her to people as my first wife...

Just kidding, have always shared my hobbies with the family, and they join me fishing, hunting, riding motorcycles, scuba, 4x4, drones and more.

It is expensive, but priceless...
My spouse gave me grief over EVERYTHING! Now she is my x. Rudy's problem now.
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If you really want a 'hole' to pour your money into - get a Yacht.
Maintenance, insurance and then $20/day just to berth it.
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Lycus Tech Mavic Air 3 Case

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