Hello fellow Mavic Air 2 Oakland drone pilot!!! I can recommend lots of places - and share some videos with you if you're interested. Have you found any places to fly yet?
Okay, here you go even though you didn't ask for it. A few drone videos shot within a few miles of Oakland, California.
Lately, I've been playing with cloud hyperlapses - we've had a lot of great clouds to shoot for the last week. I can fly out over the Bay safely and make nice, long hyperlapses. I can keep a solid visual line of sight for a good 2,300 feet or so on a clear day. The only real danger is the Coast Guard helicopters that fly without ADS-B (the thing that makes your controller say, "Aircraft approaching...") and they fly low and fast. Good to know how to do a CSC for just that situation, just in case - and hope you can do an heroic restart before you hit the ground and fly another day.
Welcome to the forum from the dry lakeless hills of Lake City FL. An irony... I know. If lakes grew here as much as your knowledge will, Lake City would become an ocean.