I don't wan't to be a party pooper but buying the drone, first DSLR or any other piece of gear doesn't make people photographers. Adding "Photography" to the facebook page won't work too.. From your question, I can figure out that you are just starting with photography.. Perhaps it's a bit early about thinking to transform your new hobby in to a business. Imagine a person who buys a stethoscope and says that he is a doctor the very next day. Photography as every other profession takes time to learn and master. I've been taking pictures for over 20 years and only 8 years ago I decided to quit my day job and open my first Photography studio which is still in the business and doing well. It took me 12 years to build the confidence and skills that I can price and sell without hesitation. I wish you very best with your venture but please take small steps, learn how to walk before you start running..