Tonight I installed some new antenna cables to test out a few home built antennas I got done with..and during a test flight just now I noticed a green light that is inside the Mav remote's a green signal or connection light flashes stronger with good connection and weaker flash and color with less signal (i think). I was testing the range so I figured I'd put the light to the test to try to figure out what it's doing...when I lost vid/rc signal and app asked "rth ok or no.. I didn't touch it I just left it up on screen. I seen I still had a faint beat on the light.. so I pinned the remote to keep going it was 8800ft roughly.. I just checked hd report too see if it did keep flying under my control it made it out too 11500 before lose of connection sat there 97 long seconds and rth on its own ... I could see by watching the light down in the hole were the left antenna is located what was happening.. then light totally disappeared because I feel used to turn 180degrees with remote to dump signal 20 secs I turn to face direction if Mav and noticed a quick red then a few green flashes ..I was even connffident during those 97+ long seconds..before remote display decided to let me no -i had reconnected .. but I could tell anyways I was connected long before remote and app acknowledged it..kinda hard to explain..i never new a signal light was hiding in my remote...... Im leaving that antenna out to make use of that little signal light for now on... Im going out too try it out again tonight once my remote charges back up and see if I can figure anything more out about it...figure I'd pass on the info..may be useful for those with modded antenna setups...if your looking at your remote it's under the left antenna...