...ok, I'll give you the dot...but you're trying to tell me if that thing suddenly got into trouble (...say, you're screen goes black) you're confident you can tell which way that tiny dot is facing? - enough to actively "see-and-avoid" any hazards? like that 1" thick power line 30' to its starboard? or that bird charging for your craft? so it doesn't fall on to that little girl playing directly underneath?
No powerlines/trees and if there was someone playing there they did well to swim out that far.
Yes I could orientate it, strafe right, yaw until craft is heading right then fly backwards, simple stuff. I've been flying for years using analogue fpv, drop outs forever, you get used to being very conscious of your surrounds
OK; I know you were in appropriate surroundings but I'm just trying to illustrate how very difficult it is to judge the relationship between objects at long distances - and THAT is the true concept of the LOS rules - not that you can see a dot on the horizon, but that you can totally control your uav WITHOUT fpv or gps to avoid dangerous scenarios - sorry to get preachy but I'm half-convinced that flying with the freedom we have now will be looked back upon wistfully in a few short years if accidents start ratcheting up across the land...sigh, rant over!
Yes, I can control it, I have situational awareness and I consider my surrounds and conditions before flying. I'm not a plug and play idiot, I've flown for a while on much less reliable craft