Not sure if this will help but if my
MA asks me to recalibrate the compass, I follow these steps.
1. Remove all things metallic that I may have on myself including coins and watch. Turn off AC, turn off RC, move to a different spot (usually a few meters away), restart everything and see if the compass error goes away.
2. If step one above doesn't solve the issue, I start the compass recalibration. Again, I make sure there is nothing metallic on my person, enter the recalibration menu, hold the AC with one hand and the RC on the other with both arms outstretched forming a near 180 degree line. I go through the two recalibration steps, rotating myself as directed (the app does give you directions as to which way to rotate).
And that is it. I have never had a compass recalibration fail. How are you doing yours?