I made a thread about it afew days ago, it wasn’t so much as I didn’t like the Air, I really really like a lot of of the features, in particular the camera & the size. It mainly came came to 3 major features that i felt the MPP had an advantage with - noise, wifi signal & battery life. I’ve mainly been using it in urban, busy environments so noise & signal strength are the major ones, battery I could live with.
I know a lot people are saying signal/range is fine for their needs, but if you’re in FCC open area (for example ready set drones range test) remember you need to take that signal & cripple it by half (i’m in CE) and then add in all the interface from a busy city = no more than 500m with severe lag/RTH disconnect
You may be right & I may end up regretting it after seeing the downgrades MPP camera, and I may even end up going back to the Air (I said this post) now the FCC mods seem to be working, but I’d like to try the MPP at least. I also knowledge I have no doubt the camera is better on the Air. I also managed to get the MPP for £100 cheaper than I paid for the Air. Anyway, i’m sure when the
MP2 i’ll probably regret not just waiting anyway!