I was out nightflying with my Mavic 2 Pro on the 20th of November this year when I run into bad luck and smashed my drone sideways into a "free fall tower" attraction at a Amusement Park here in Sweden. Due to the corona virus the amusement park is closed for this year so my chances to get it back was very slim.
I tried to get in touch with the people running the park but with no bigger luck. So the weeks went. And this Monday, 3 weeks after the crash, a helpful mechanic from the park called me (I label all my drones with my phonenumber) and said he found the drone up in the free fall tower!
It was soking wet, but I thought , maybe it was salvageable so I went to meet the guy to retrieve my drone. At first glance, it did not look to bad, none of the arms or the gimball was broken, just a little dent on the front cover so I took it home and dismantle the drone into atoms becuase if I should have a chance, I had to be sure everything was complety dried to avoid any short circuits. I cleaned every board with isopropanol and looked for any signs of short circuits but everything looked good. To be on the safe side I put all the boards and the camera into plastic containers with silica gel bags over the night.
Soo yesterday, after 24 h of drying and then mounting it all thogeter again it started! I connected it to the computer and updated the firmware and callibrated all sensors. Everything worked as it should!
3 weeks out in the swedish rain and cold with sub zero tempratures and it survived just fine! Im really impressed with the build quality!
I think what saved the drone was the pretty low fall (5-10 meters) and that the battery dried out before it started to rain.
Heres a video of the first start after reasembling it.
I tried to get in touch with the people running the park but with no bigger luck. So the weeks went. And this Monday, 3 weeks after the crash, a helpful mechanic from the park called me (I label all my drones with my phonenumber) and said he found the drone up in the free fall tower!
It was soking wet, but I thought , maybe it was salvageable so I went to meet the guy to retrieve my drone. At first glance, it did not look to bad, none of the arms or the gimball was broken, just a little dent on the front cover so I took it home and dismantle the drone into atoms becuase if I should have a chance, I had to be sure everything was complety dried to avoid any short circuits. I cleaned every board with isopropanol and looked for any signs of short circuits but everything looked good. To be on the safe side I put all the boards and the camera into plastic containers with silica gel bags over the night.
Soo yesterday, after 24 h of drying and then mounting it all thogeter again it started! I connected it to the computer and updated the firmware and callibrated all sensors. Everything worked as it should!
3 weeks out in the swedish rain and cold with sub zero tempratures and it survived just fine! Im really impressed with the build quality!

I think what saved the drone was the pretty low fall (5-10 meters) and that the battery dried out before it started to rain.
Heres a video of the first start after reasembling it.
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