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Identical file names each transfer to PC after every SD format


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2017
What are you guys doing when transferring you photos and videos to PC from the SD card after each format? My video and photo file count starts over each time so when i go to copy to my PC the file show up as duplicates. I dont want to create multiple folders, anyways to keep the file name/number to not reset after each reformat?floppy-disc-powerbank-2.jpg
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Yes there is. There's a setting to tell it not to start over with the numbers on the name.
Set the File Index Mode setting to "Continuous" in the follow section of DJI GO:

@msinger, can you help? I got one of those SD cards that the OP put up a photo of.... I've tried to fit in in my mavic, tried a dremel drill and everything...
You're doing it all wrong. You should be using a jackhammer.
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@msinger, can you help? I got one of those SD cards that the OP put up a photo of.... I've tried to fit in in my mavic, tried a dremel drill and everything...

Ah, classic rookie mistake. You are supposed to calibrate the SD card first. Rotate it horizontally and vertically - it will then shrink in size. Let us know if you run into issues.
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As a photographer, I learned years ago to never have your file names start over with each format. That is a recipe for accidentally deleted files. Change it to "continuous" and leave it that way.
I have that SD card pictured strapped on top of the Mavic. I got a great deal on the card at the thrift store along with a huge pair of granny panties for a landing pad.

Oh and all works well with the thrift store granny panties, I just had to explain myself to the wife when she found them in my pocket while doing laundry after first my days use.
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So serious question after the very funny banter :p

1) when uploading the files off my spark or air, do i delete them in windows with the craft plugged in? Or do i just upload and then format the cards in the drones? I plug the usb ditect drone to pc/laptop. Is there any reason why i should be fumbling around with the little micro sd plugging that direct to the pc/laptop? Or carry on as i am plugging drone to computer then drag drop? (2 questions in one but oh well)

And 2) Technically 3... when getting the MP4 file on my laptop/PC, it plays fine.

When i then transfer this file to my S8+ it does the file not supported. Now i know i can get a kodec and get another player.. but i want to be able to edit this in my phone if i want. I want to be able to send this on whats app to people, 1080p is fine. The 4k video recorded on my phone sends fine to people on whatapp (i know it downscales it to 1080p on my phone when played back and when i send on whatsapp it will downscale even more. But the point it it does it.

How can i make the 1080p video on spark playablr on my phone anf shareable? The file extensions are identical spark vs s8+, (the video files). I thought id just drag a 1080p or 4k video from spark or mavic air onto my phone and it wpuld play, and be able to cut a puece of it on the movie maker (default samsung cutting/edit app) and send it on whatsapp. Or select the whole original file within whatsapp like normal and choose my clipping and send that (which would be downscaled automatically by whatsapp).

Sharing is caring. I want to share parts of my vids lol.

Please help! This must be very common?!
when uploading the files off my spark or air, do i delete them in windows with the craft plugged in? Or do i just upload and then format the cards in the drones?
You could do either. I normally move files from the memory card without reformatting it in DJI GO.

Is there any reason why i should be fumbling around with the little micro sd plugging that direct to the pc/laptop? Or carry on as i am plugging drone to computer then drag drop?
It's really up to you. I like to remove the memory card and insert it into a memory card reader (I use this one) that's connected to my computer.
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You could do either. I normally move files from the memory card without reformatting it in DJI GO.

It's really up to you. I like to remove the memory card and insert it into a memory card reader (I use this one) that's connected to my computer.

Thanks, i suppose it saves running the drone, not using the battery etc which adds up. If i can get the hang of removing the sd and putting it back.

When uploading the original file to android (samsung s8) any idea why the file will not play in the standard player? Other mp4 H264 MPEG 4 avc (part 10) media plays fine. Just the drone footage will not play in the standars player.

And yes VLC plays it, but i want to send a cutting via whats app and i can with the phones own videos which are the exact codec and resolution.

Does anyone know what is the difference between these recorded files? I am looking everywhere and cannot find an answer. But there is one!!

Calling all video file and drone gods out there!

Thank you

Dident find difference between file types.

But.. use media converter from play store to convert for sharing! Brilliant!!
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