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Ignoring no fly zones.

That's the sort of rules violation that carries a not insignificant risk of a visit from the MiB...

In the US, neither that sign nor that symbol denotes an official "no fly zone." Whether that airspace is restricted or not cannot be determined solely from a sign especially when it says "no drone zone." I can't tell the statute that is posted but without looking at it specifically, being this is Cali, I suspect it nothing more than the state telling you not to fly your drone in the park. I mean, look at all the rules and restrictions and the plethora of statutes posted all over that sign telling you what you can't do. It reads like an exclusion list from Target for a 50% coupon. What *can* you do, what can you actually get with this? Very few places like military bases and DC and jails where you cannot go into that area with a drone. This park isn't one of them.

Basically Cali is saying you cannot take off or land your drone within the park. However, it appears this drone pilot is on the other side of the sign which means he can take off where he is standing (if he is outside the park) and legally fly in and over toward his area of interest and get his shots. However, it is likely and for sure he will get a visit from the state and that's a different story, we can discuss where it goes from there. One day this will be sorted....

And just so you know, in the US it is not illegal to post such on social media. Only in the UK can your intentions be legally translated against you from post in social media. No crime in posting that picture even if you said I had fun today and these are the pictures I took. Nothing bad will happen to him.
Only in the UK can your intentions be legally translated against you from post in social media.

Im in the UK, can you explain what you mean by this sentence
The idiot below thinks its clever to ignore the request then openly brags about it on a public Drone Facebook page.
Presuming the airspace is not legitimately restricted, the 'idiot below' is showing the proper level of contempt for another level of ******** rule that has absolutely nothing to do with safety. Well done him, and I find myself rather hoping he a) flew and b) got away with it. Of course I would rather that c) was the case, and that the rule was properly challenged and subsequently reviewed / revised / thrown out as the bureaucratic over-reaching completely unnecessary nonsense it so obviously is ! Imagine trying to ban smoking outside !! And yet they do try that too... unbelievable ! I hope no-one ever goes in their stupid park , and even more that whoever is responsible for the regulation of it in this Orwellian style is kicked out of office at the earliest possible convenience !

Honestly - if I saw that sign at the gate of a park I was visiting, I would leave in disgust, post a horrible review of it on trip adviser, pointing out the discrimination, and then never return for any reason. Good; that's today's disproportionate rage successfully dissipated; recrudescing equanimity in the flux... now :)
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In the US, neither that sign nor that symbol denotes an official "no fly zone." Whether that airspace is restricted or not cannot be determined solely from a sign especially when it says "no drone zone."
Except those little letters and numbers under all those "NO's". (LAMC .........)
Those indicate the actual codes or Ordinances you will be breaking if you Fly in that Area. Any sign without those indicators is NOT a true "no Drone" Zone, and only a sign placed there by someone who thinks they can do such a thing without approval.
Simply purchasing a sign and placing it on your property is not legal and can be ignored. If you place a sign such as this without approval (one with those little indicators on it). You yourself could face legal problems.
ONLY the FAA can tell you where you can and can't fly BUT Local Governments can place restrictions on where you fly for public safety. If you are not sure you don't want to learn the hard way.
If you come to cali and see such a sign you are better off moving on.
Im in the UK, can you explain what you mean by this sentence
I can't go any further with an explanation because I don't want the crown to issue an arrest warrant for me over in the states because my comments on a public forum (on the internet) aka social media for everyone else in the world to read could be construed as likely to incite violence or stir up ill feelings among the subjects. And with that, I hope you can detect some of the sarcasm here.
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Except those little letters and numbers under all those "NO's". (LAMC .........)
Those indicate the actual codes or Ordinances you will be breaking if you Fly in that Area. Any sign without those indicators is NOT a true "no Drone" Zone, and only a sign placed there by someone who thinks they can do such a thing without approval.
Simply purchasing a sign and placing it on your property is not legal and can be ignored. If you place a sign such as this without approval (one with those little indicators on it). You yourself could face legal problems.
ONLY the FAA can tell you where you can and can't fly BUT Local Governments can place restrictions on where you fly for public safety. If you are not sure you don't want to learn the hard way.
If you come to cali and see such a sign you are better off moving on.
Yeah I saw that I mentioned that even though I couldn't read the code in the photo, my guess is they all the same code (in an attempt to make it look official) and the code probably simply says "We are authorities and we have th right to ban this activity and if you are don't obey it...."

Yeah it would be different if it were a "drone specific" code so that we can debate it but I didn't find anything along those lines. But I didn't look very far either because I've seen those type of signs before where every banned activity has a code and that code tells you want you can't do and their authority is based on the generic trespassing code. In this case, if they catch you doing one of these illegal acts, you will be dealt with as if you trespassing. Unfortunately that means different drone pilots will receive different responses and have different outcomes.

Hard to challenge those laws.
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Yeah I saw that I mentioned that even though I couldn't read the code in the photo, my guess is they all the same code (in an attempt to make it look official) and the code probably simply says "We are authorities and we have th right to ban this activity and if you are don't obey it...."

Yeah it would be different if it were a "drone specific" code so that we can debate it but I didn't find anything along those lines. But I didn't look very far either because I've seen those type of signs before where every banned activity has a code and that code tells you want you can't do and their authority is based on the generic trespassing code. In this case, if they catch you doing one of these illegal acts, you will be dealt with as if you trespassing. Unfortunately that means different drone pilots will receive different responses and have different outcomes.

Hard to challenge those laws.
To be a legal sign those code numbers must be specific and state where you can find the specific wording in the law. The park we are talking about allows nothing lol I would not be surprised if talking too loud got you thrown out of that park.
There are museums and historical sites all over that park.
OR Chewing tobacco that just gets me! If they see me smoking out pops the little courtesy cop giving me the" put it out" signal BUT Spit all over the place and they walk right past!
To be a legal sign those code numbers must be specific and state where you can find the specific wording in the law. The park we are talking about allows nothing lol I would not be surprised if talking too loud got you thrown out of that park.
There are museums and historical sites all over that park.
Then the historic sites might support the sign. I believe some countries have laws or regulations about drone usage at such places.
It's mad the reasons and thinking behind these things. In some ways the US leads the way - in my other hobby, the electric unicycles, they are freely tolerated pretty much everywhere over there, never confiscated and basically given a totally free pass, even on roads a highways etc with all the traffic, yet you can't smoke anywhere and the same people can try (and probably succeed) in banning the most popular brand of UAV without apparently having to produce a single shred of viable evidence that there has been any wrongdoing ! Mad mad world...
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You will love this: MY state passed a law Banning the Sale of Menthol Cigarettes in Smoke shops. Now the state has not only denied themselves billions in sales tax profits, BUT They have only managed in changing the actual place Californians go to get Menthols.
Now instead of the smoke shop, you go to the flea market or Asian Market! It is still illegal for them to sell them but they don't get inspected nearly as much as a Smokeshop. There are convoys of vehicles going out of State and purchasing menthols I would be interested in seeing a study of the increase in menthol cigarette sales in a State that Borders California.
It's mad the reasons and thinking behind these things. In some ways the US leads the way - in my other hobby, the electric unicycles, they are freely tolerated pretty much everywhere over there, never confiscated and basically given a totally free pass, yet you can't smoke anywhere and the same people can try (and probably succeed) in banning the most popular brand of UAV without apparently having to produce a single shred of viable evidence that there has been any wrongdoing ! Mad mad world...
The older (and more cynical) I become, the more I realize that to understand nearly any decision, all you need to do is either follow the money. In the remaining situations, all you need to examine are the personal beliefs of the people in power. And don't be surprised when the two causes are intertwined.
ONLY the FAA can tell you where you can and can't fly BUT Local Governments can place restrictions on where you fly for public safety. If you are not sure you don't want to learn the hard way.
If you come to cali and see such a sign you are better off moving on.
Not exactly.

Lower jurisdictions can control TOAL, but have NO authority over the air. [period]
Any reference to public safety is misguided.

I'd really love for someone with much deeper pockets than me to challenge the TOAL restrictions some places enforce. If their justification deals solely with TOAL, and not flight, I suppose it could hold up. But they all seem to justify themselves with flight safety. Guess what, that's up to the FAA. So their restriction of TOAL, justified by flight safety, is a de facto ban on flight and thus an overreach.
I agree but it is not flight safety as much as You hitting someone or something if you should crash the Drone. In Cali you can almost count on the fact that if you are wanting to fly your Drone in a tourist area Forget it it aint happening!
99.9% of the time you are gonna get told to move along BUT If they catch you after they warned you personally then you are gonna get a ticket from the park police.
I agree but it is not flight safety as much as You hitting someone or something if you should crash the Drone. In Cali you can almost count on the fact that if you are wanting to fly your Drone in a tourist area Forget it it aint happening!
99.9% of the time you are gonna get told to move along BUT If they catch you after they warned you personally then you are gonna get a ticket from the park police.
Are you suggesting this would apply even to a drone like the NEO? Even if you were to hit someone with it, has to be a freak accident for someone to actually get seriously hurt. Local authorities can say any drone, no matter what, is a safety hazard issue and ban it for safety reasons simply because they are *unable* to make a law restricting how close you can fly to someone? That's not going to fly (no pun intended) and it won't take a drone flyer with deep pockets to fix this, the law will have to change due to factors beyond their control. Problem is, most of us don't have that kind of time, and it's unfortunate for those who have to pay up in teh meantime...

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