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Ignoring no fly zones.

Because society hasn't passed any. The question was about constitutionally protected rights, not what is currently allowed.

Just as you do not have a right to own and operate a motor vehicle, you have no right to own a camera and take pictures.

Should a state decide to ban cameras, make ownership illegal and punishable, and outlaw taking photographs, they certainly can.

You have no more right to a camera than you do to an Internal Combustion Engine powered leaf blower, which have been banned in CA. There aren't battery-powered blowers in Home Depot in CA because you have a right to leaf blowers... It's because the public would not accept such a ban.

Just as when, how, and where a leaf blower is used can be strictly regulated, so can a camera.
I say this in jest but gosh, this is what happens when you live in a state like Cali too long. You start to think the government can jus ban everything and The Right to Pursue Freedom and Happiness is just a worn out promise from a bunch of old men long ago who are out of touch; the local government have so blinded their own citizens. No wonder most people in that state are "unhappy."

"Sure, you have to right to freedom of the press but we can ban the newspapers and the cameras and the typewriters and the pens and...." it's call "infringing."
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BTW, please go over the photographer's board and tell them they are using their cameras because the government is letting them, they have no rights; it's all privileges. I think they can respond better than I. :p
I'll not overload this thread with a bunch of links that no one will read so I post this one, please tell me if you simply don't agree with or not, no worries:

You're right, it's 16.6J... I forgot that J is kg based, not fundamental SI units.

That said, doesn't change the qualitative aspect of the analysis... A Neo hitting you at 35mph imparts the same energy as an Avata 2 at 20mph, in a potentially smaller contact patch with a correspondingly higher specific Impulse.

Are you unconcerned about an Avata 2 striking someone in the face horizontally at 20mph?

Same question for a Neo at 35...

The Neo can only reach that speed in manual mode, which nearly no one will use because it's quite difficult to learn, and you need to buy the FPV controller separately.

For example, I have an Avata and always fly it with the motion controller. Tried a few times with the simulator and the FPV controller, but that's all, the motion controller is so lazy that there is little reason to grind the FPV controller unless you want to dive, roll and flip.

The little people that will fly the Neo in manual mode already learn FPV on a DIY drone, so probably will know what they are doing, the rest will fly it in sport mode at most.

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