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I'm slow and could use some help finding Care/Refresh claim form


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
Democratic Peoples Republic of Crook County
I love DJI drones, but not so fond of DJI, the company or their website. I often have to go DJI website spelunking to find basic information on compatibility, "what's in the box" or other things. It's like Easter Egg hunting.

My Mini 2 has a cracked hull from a fall off a counter top but all is in perfect condition and I've put off sending it in thinking I'd have a more severe crash. But no. No crash. But I've paid for the Care/Refresh+ option and though I was able to locate the status on the DJI website as hard as I looked I could not find the claim form to send it in for repair. I want it fixed and in perfect condition should I decide to sell it.

I know I'm slow and often can't find things in plain sight. But I spent too much time without getting anywhere and closed out the tab frustrated. I was going to call DJI yesterday but ran out of time.

How do I locate the link and initiatte a Care/Refresh repair? TIA
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It's not necessary, but open an account at the DJI forum. Scroll to the bottom the page to Support/Service Request and Inquiry. Navigate from there to Care Express, then choose the plan you have, Premium or Standard. Then follow directions. I just went through this, from the time I dropped off the drone at UPS until I opened my new drone, it took seven days! VERY HAPPY!!
I guess getting a drone ready to be sent for DJI Care/Refresh repair needed a secret handshake. The Care/Refresh form was a bit of an Easter Egg Hunt and then there was lack of explanation of terminology. I had found it myselff earlier wiith a little time involved, but the way everything was laid out I though I was on the wrong form. If I try to explain it this reply will double in length. I called DJI and talking to a CS agent which turns out to have been the smart thing to do.

With the help of the agent I finally found the form. When I got to the form there was some confusion because my first Mini 2 was defective and replaced by another Mini 2. Initially they hadn't switched the Care/Refersh to the new drone serial, which I caught early. So I had to be careful to make sure that the info transferred to the latter drone. Yes the serial did check out.

Then there was a blue button that said something like Care/Refresh "EXPRESS". Was there a different level of Care/Refresh? Then it got odd again. The CS person didn't properly explain how the process worked. But to "check for understanding" I said back to him what I thought I heard and after doing that the confusion was cleared up (I think). Without the verbal explanation I presumed that "Express" was a whole 'nother level of service with a higher "deductible" than the standard $49. But no. "Express" is just the STANDARD Care/Refresh protocol. That one word had me confused as it had no explanation as to what you get with the "Express" service!

So the guy explained it to me, or at least tried. The first explanation led me to believe they'd send me a replacement drone first and with a label included to send the old drone back. All of that because of the needless word "Express" on the blue button. Ok...FINALLY I got to understand that they'd email a shipping label to me and I'd send my drone in and they'd just send me a new drone, presumably right away without inspecting or repairing the old one.

And so my Mini 2 is packaged and labeled and will be dropped off at UPS tomorrow. It's going to Texas, so I have to think it won't be there until at least Friday. Let's see how fast I get the replacement. We'll see.
Thanks for taking time to read this.
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DJI is very quick and effective when it comes to UAS repairs, most of the time you will get back a refurbished one, which is a new drone. In my opinion, in that aspect, DJI is second to none.
not so fond of DJI, the company or their website.
I have no idea where idea where the "Democratic Peoples Republic of Crook County" is located and Google thinks it's in the NW US, so I going to guess that's the United States and you will need to send an email to [email protected] and you should receive a Free Return Shipping Label within hours. I was instructed to return my drone to Fort Worth, Texas. I received my replacement Drone and Battery in about 8 days. Below is the information I sent them in my first email… Except for the deductible, there was no other expense.


DJI Support, I would like to submit my damaged DJI Mini 2 Drone for replacement under the provisions of my Care Refresh Policy.




I was flying the Mini 2 in a park and I hit a branch on a tree. The Mini 2 fell to the ground onto a dirt road. A maintenance truck drove by as I was running to retrieve the Mini 2. The truck drove over the Mini 2 and crushed it, severely damaging the Mini 2 and the Battery. Please replace both the Mini 2 Drone and the Battery.


My Name
My Address
My Phone Number
My DJI Account Email


Good Luck!
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