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Important rules to share, coming from experience


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2017
Let's share about the rules which basically emerged from past experience

But from nothing else, no user manual rules, "common sense" or whatsoever, just the things you wouldn't never think about until it happened to you (or if you knew someone with a lot of flights behind him) !

And if not followed:
Class1: resulting in MP loss, 90%
Class2: resulting in cries when back at home

Yeah, because in the end, rules are only useful (and accepted) only if allowing us to keep going on, right?
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"When going somewhere for a short weekend, at the time you're going to have a car or a single mode of transportation, bring the bird with you, like every-time, there will always be a good spot to take off from"
Unsure, but probably C1. NEVER BUY 3RD PARTY PROPS!
Also C1; don't fly long rang with a tailwind going out!
C2. Parked the Mavic up a tree at the top of a local hill. I knew the farmer, so he allowed me to take my Land Rover up the hill, complete with ladder and fishing rod. Had a few harsh words with myself about flying backwards around trees.
Mavic was recovered unscathed about 2 hours after the event.
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C2. Parked the Mavic up a tree at the top of a local hill. I knew the farmer, so he allowed me to take my Land Rover up the hill, complete with ladder and fishing rod. Had a few harsh words with myself about flying backwards around trees.
Mavic was recovered unscathed about 2 hours after the event.
Could have been worst, good ending!!

But if you needed the car to get there, must have been a bit far away from starting point, or very climbing? [emoji4]
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Could have been worst, good ending!!

But if you needed the car to get there, must have been a bit far away from starting point, or very climbing? [emoji4]

2 miles and 1000 feet up from the ladder, plus, the light was starting to go, so a speedy recovery was called for.
That would be a good rule too : "when you're aiming for sunset light, reduce flight plan down to areas quickly reachable before dawn"
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