Got my M2P late yesterday, spent the evening charging batteries, doing FW updates and configuring settings. First quick test flight today. And **** the camera is GREAT!
Some initial discoveries:
- Exposure latitude in DNGs is amazing: I can easily pull down the exposure 1,3 stops and recover ALL details in highlights. 2 stops recovery possible with minor clipping in topmost shades – meaning it looks like a correctly exposed shot from Mavic 1
- Center sharpness is great already at f2.8, corners are a bit soft but improve already in major way when stopped down to f4 and f5.6 seems to be the sweet spot for the quality overall. Diffraction kicks in already at f8 softening everything again and f11 makes it a bit worse. (Btw, corner sharpness is still great already at f2.8 if you compare it to Mavic 1!!)
- JPG quality is really nice, no overprocessed look in any regards and color tones feel really natural. Actually matches surprisingly closely the default settings on DNG when opened in Lightroom. Also the panorama processing for JPGs is surprisingly good. (Naturally the DNGs have way more latitude in post, and will continue to shoot those exclusively. But nice to know that if need be, you can pull the JPG out for quick sharing without needing to worry about quality)
- DNGs look nice & natural out of the card, I don't feel the need to manipulate them heavily to make them look somewhat nice which was often the case with Mavic 1. And if there's a need for tweaking the look more, the DNGs seem to respond to it very well, without breaking down even under more extreme mods. So in these regards they do feel like RAW files from any "proper" camera.
All and all the camera feels like A MAJOR step up from Mavic 1. This is a real photographic tool with very little compromises and constraints. Huge respect for DJI & Hasselblad for pulling this off!
Some initial discoveries:
- Exposure latitude in DNGs is amazing: I can easily pull down the exposure 1,3 stops and recover ALL details in highlights. 2 stops recovery possible with minor clipping in topmost shades – meaning it looks like a correctly exposed shot from Mavic 1
- Center sharpness is great already at f2.8, corners are a bit soft but improve already in major way when stopped down to f4 and f5.6 seems to be the sweet spot for the quality overall. Diffraction kicks in already at f8 softening everything again and f11 makes it a bit worse. (Btw, corner sharpness is still great already at f2.8 if you compare it to Mavic 1!!)
- JPG quality is really nice, no overprocessed look in any regards and color tones feel really natural. Actually matches surprisingly closely the default settings on DNG when opened in Lightroom. Also the panorama processing for JPGs is surprisingly good. (Naturally the DNGs have way more latitude in post, and will continue to shoot those exclusively. But nice to know that if need be, you can pull the JPG out for quick sharing without needing to worry about quality)
- DNGs look nice & natural out of the card, I don't feel the need to manipulate them heavily to make them look somewhat nice which was often the case with Mavic 1. And if there's a need for tweaking the look more, the DNGs seem to respond to it very well, without breaking down even under more extreme mods. So in these regards they do feel like RAW files from any "proper" camera.
All and all the camera feels like A MAJOR step up from Mavic 1. This is a real photographic tool with very little compromises and constraints. Huge respect for DJI & Hasselblad for pulling this off!